Thursday, July 19, 2018

What the "Democrat Party" Has Become and What Citizens Can Do About It

While the Republican Party is not without corrupted members, like those GOP politicians who “ride the fence” on issues and agenda, the Democrat Party has no doubt been so corrupted it must disband and start fresh in order to perform an actual reformation. RINOs (Republican In Name Only) like senators Jeff Flake (AZ), Lindsey Graham (SC), John McCain (AZ), Marco Rubio (FL) all members of the “Gang of Eight” who pushed to pass an amnesty bill for illegal invaders along with four Democrats are good examples. Fortunately while the bill passed the Senate thanks to the RINOs, it did not pass the House and expired at the end of the 113th Congress. What was needed is for the federal government to enforce immigration laws and stop the “anchor” law that invaders took advantage of, stop the “catch and release” method, and replace the useless fencing that separates Mexico from the United States. 

The films Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party and America: Imagine the World Without Her by Dinesh D'Souza, a naturalized citizen from India and a Christian who was president of King's College , who has taken his citizenship seriously, supporting and defending our Constitution against those who would corrupt and repeal it shows how America has become disrespected and its government and society has become corrupted. Like Michelle Malkin, D'Souza is a crusader to protect the constitutional republic that the Founders so wisely envisioned and created. “Hillary's America” examines the record of the Democratic Party in its use of social welfare programs and machine politics
It describes the progression of the Democrat Party from the days of Andrew Jackson's plantation to the modern Democrats who have adopted Marxism and developed a “new” plantation system like that described in Uncle Sam's Plantation a book by columnist Star Parker.
Change” was the motto of the Obama campaign for president, but the voters could not get beyond the fact he would be the first “black” president; not asking just what that “change” would entail. The Democrats even changed their party symbol to a derivative of the Target store symbol in blue. But what did not change was their corruption, indeed it increased during eight years of Barack Obama. Obama was a president that was groomed to be president by the infamous Chicago Political Machine where much of his biography was fabricated. Indeed, his true biography points to a confused person raised by a “white” family, mentored by a black communist, and whose associations alone should have made people think twice before electing.
When I asked people supporting Barack Obama for president in 2008, most just stated it was time we had a black president. No other explanation, like his qualifications and ideology, except he was going to “change” everything. Just like the candidate, the voters did not reveal just what that “change” would be other than unifying America, alluding to erasing racism. His eight-year legacy demonstrated just what “change” Obama and the democratic-socialists had in mind. Yet, if one pointed out the problems with voting for Obama were made, immediately those people cried “racism”. It is just as wrong to vote for someone because of their race than it is to not vote for someone because of their race. But it happened and too many ignored the results of his four years of incompetence and apologetic foreign policy, as well as the myriad of scandals and elected him for another four years so more scandals of corruption were added to the list.
D'Souza's film “Hillary's America” shows how a corrupt political entity can become so powerful and how so many could be duped – and why some have realized just what the Democrat Party represents and how it moved from a separatist organization to a form of Marxism hailing an American version of democratic-socialism.
Democrats have spearheaded a phenomenon called social justice. It is part of their Marxist social engineering that they have orchestrated in our educational system producing a “ME” generation and continues despite conservative constitutionalists finally speaking up and out against how young Americans have been convinced that what the Founders created is “old fashioned” (Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto in 1848 co-authored by Friedrich Engels) and that Marxism is better.
Indeed, Americans are celebrating his birthday this year (2018) and praising him as some kind of genius by the likes of Michael Moore. Cities like Chicago & NYC and states like California and ironic the New England states have all pushed Marxism in an “American version” of socialism. The “mainstream” media has focused itself upon the rise of democratic-socialism and has become its propaganda machine. Indeed, there has been a merger of the actual socialist political entity into the DNC itself, which has become so strong many members no longer deny it or now identify themselves as such, like Bernie Sanders.
Democrats have supported unions for so long that they are doomed without each other. Unions provide huge amounts of funding to the DNC and to RINOs. Even the Leftist media, Huffington Post (2011) has written about how unions have corrupted social and economic entities of our nation. The Chicago Tribune in a city infested with unions wrote about the power and control unions have in society and politics.
Unions were founded by socialists and maintains itself through Marxist principles.
The most famous union and oldest union still exists as the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor) founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers. Gompers immigrated from England and brought his ideas of the labor movement with him. Democrats today don't mention him much because he was against socialism and the Socialist Party and a capitalist.
The film “Hillary's America” does not dwell much on unions, but certainly focuses upon the sordid history of one Saul Alinsky, the founder of community organizing for whom Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis (1969) about and Obama was seen while in the White House carrying one of his books. No doubt he was a key influence upon their political ideology. Lessons learned is never elect a corrupt lawyer or a community organizer. Alinsky, a “communist organizer”, also had ties with the unions in Chicago as well as during the gangster era. Frank Nitti was Saul Alinsky's mentor.
During the Red Decade he was not a member of the Communist Party keeping in the background as his mobster savvy dictated. The Red Decade was sponsored by Joe McCarthy, ridiculed by the Democrat Party calling it McCarthyism because they had already adopted elements of socialism during that period. Decades later, Joe McCarthy would be proven correct and the influence upon our government by socialists and communists were deeper than even he thought. Careers in the film industry were ruined because of what Democrats refer to as the “witch hunt” that they are orchestrating today against President Donald Trump. If anyone has performed any legitimate research they can see the patter of Democrats accusing of others of what they have done (or worse) and/or what they are doing. If the term “above the law” applies to any entity of people, it is the DNC/Democrat(ic) Party of the United States. Indeed, it was recently revealed that members of Congress and federal employees were using federal funds (instead of their own) for sexual harassment cases against them. Demand should be made to address the issue and seek refund to the US Treasury.
The Democratic-Socialist crusade against Donald Trump has created 75 legal battles. They are obstructing the President's nominations for agencies and his cabinet using character assassination that has caused respectable people to disgustingly exit their nomination.
The Marxist media and their Democrat counterparts have pinpointed upon an alleged “affair” that occurred once with porno film “actress” Stormy Daniels – the same people who claimed that Bill Clinton's adulterous affair in Oval Office was his “private business”, despite committing perjury over it and fraternizing in a work place where the Leftist feminists went silent. The alleged Trump “affair” occurred more than a decade before he became president. The porno queen is getting what probably she was hoping for – media attention and a boost to her career. CNN and CBS “60 Minute” coverage has become infamous along with a shocking “interview” of Stormy that demanded details. Media is more focused upon that than the fact that Stormy violated an agreement and no one is questioning her motive for going public.
The gist of all this media nonsense is that the Democrats are obstructing and interfering with what President Trump has tried to do - “Make America Great Again”. Despite all of this, he has been successful on many issues he promised to focus upon – except there is still no “special prosecutor” to finally seek justice against the myriad of crimes Hillary (and her husband) has committed over decades. That is one promise that requires to be addressed. She knowingly ignored security protocol, committed perjury over it, and as she did for the Whitewater scandal, destroyed evidence.
When Mr. Trump publicly announced her desecration and criminal actions on national TV in the last debate, the wrath of the Clintons and their power went into motion that culminated into a Russian “collusion” witch hunt that Bill and Hillary Clinton themselves did, along with other associates. When, to the surprise of Democrats and Hillary, Mr. Trump won the election – the gloves were off in the most despicable manner in which poor losers can orchestrate.
The Marxist media gave “Hillary's America” a poor review – but could not refute it with any facts.
I have provided here links to those issues and factual history portrayed in the film and more. Mr. D'Souza was correct when he said he was given an unjust sentence compared to others. The prosecuting judge was a Manhattan political judge.
One can see why the Democrats are behind the movement to destroy national monuments, decimate the First Amendment, and repeal or replace the Second Amendment. They also fail to accept that our government was never intended to be a literal democracy; indeed, John Adams points this out in the Federalist Papers.
In a letter John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail:
I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”
And now they are denouncing our Founders, erasing their statues and their accomplishments focusing upon instruction within our educational system on social justice and Marxist philosophy. Meanwhile, the truth about the founder of the Democrat Party remains unaddressed.
Trump haters call him “racist” because he wants to prevent illegal invaders from coming in, prevent people coming here that our military is fighting against, stop “catch-and-release” actions, and seek and deport people that came here illegally.
They ignore the historical facts about their demagogue, FDR. He signed an executive order that sent Japanese-Americans to “internment” camps with no charges and no trial and arrest of Germans and Italians labeled as “enemy aliens”.
Democrats declared war because of slavery under the premise of state rights and after the war continued its literal war against African Americans via the KKK. The truth is brought out in the D'Souza film what LBJ was really about and how the “new” plantation was created. This is all part of Democrat amnesia when they constantly claim that Republicans are racist. 


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