Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"Deep State" - A Threat To Everything We Hold Dear

Before I begin, I would like to direct you to a new book by Jerome R. Corsi, an investigative author who has just published Killing The Deep State: The Fight To Save President Trump - a New York Times bestseller. The Progressives call him the "conspiracy theorist" - but revelations are not a theory when it is based upon facts.
In short, Deep State is: A clandestine network entrenched inside the government that controls state policy behind the scenes, while elected officials are merely figureheads.
The remarkable 2016 election is described by Mr. Corsi ...

To win the presidency, Donald Trump defeated 16 Republican establishment contenders, plus Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the overwhelming first choice of international globalists [George Soros] and central bankers worldwide. [called Global Banking Cartel]
The Deep State is actually part of what has been termed as the New World Order as part of an old international secretive organization called the Illuminati.

This "New World Order" was first mentioned by George H.W. Bush in a 1991 speech and the "Deep State" or "New World Order" has been an agenda for both traditional political parties within four administrations since Ronald Reagan left office. Here, Bush Senior talks about "something larger than ourselves" ...
President Reagan warned us about how freedom can be lost and never regained as well as emphasizing that passing on our heritage of liberties and rights is important for the Republic that the Founders created. The threat of a "New World Order" was warned by Ronald Reagan, a man of vision and honesty, in 1964 as in the following YouTube video:
Ronald Reagan left the Democrat Party when he saw how it was pushing towards Socialism. He remarks about this in his 1961 speech which is prophetic of what would start with Social Security, continued with other programs to today where we see the fiasco known as "Obamacare" - a march towards control of people from cradle to grave and holding the economy in hostage ....
While Social Security was the first major socialist program, the globalists have been hard at work for 100 years as this video demonstrates how the Federal Reserve came to be. The Federal Reserve is an entity devised by financiers and pushed through by their political counterparts that include Woodrow Wilson, the first Democrat-Socialist president.

President Trump has been a target even before his inauguration because the globalists had thought that Hillary would win. They underestimated the People, those in our society that is tired of what has happened to our government, our nation and even our culture. They were tired of seeing national debt increase while politicians (chiefly Democrat-Socialists, but includes GOP RINO establishment) turned their heads concerning the danger of the invasion of illegal immigrants where too many end up on the taxpayer dole.
If anyone performs any serious research beyond reading the Corsi book, one can see how truly "deep" the Deep State has become. President Trump is finding this out as the "Witch Hunt" continues that was initiated since his inauguration finding something that will afford them the opportunity to impeach him. Ironic, since clear evidence was given about Bill Clinton, but wouldn't impeach him.
The latest outrage is the raid on President Trump's lawyer looking for specific evidence to turn the media devised scandal concerning a "Porno Queen" that took place 12 years ago and who accepted money in return for a nondisclosure agreement that she suddenly has rejected. I doubt that she just came forward on her own volition to bring this matter to the public. It was those that are hard-pressed to destroy this president, especially since he has been successful at working at and in some cases, succeeding, to keep his promise to those that elected him.
Dirty politics and the evil-minded Marxist media has even targeted the First Lady from condemnation about her footwear to her language accent - totally ignoring the fact she can speak five languages. Meanwhile, to the Marxist media, the illegal invaders are special immigrants - while they are rude to an immigrant turned American citizen who is intelligent and brought elegance to the White House who is OUR First Lady.
Volumes of "mainstream" Marxist media stories attribute to the march against Donald Trump, who has denounced them as non-journalists, and rightly so - too much to delve into here. I suggest you read Corsi's latest book.
It was no coincidence that when WikiLeaks prepared to publish the email of DNC establishment that included candidate Hillary Clinton, they went to work to prepare a "Russian Collusion" file. Mueller could not find "collusion" against President Trump but during the process it was revealed that the real culprits were being ignored. Is Mueller's job to find collusion or just to destroy Donald Trump? Muller's history as a "fixer" is predominant with Hillary and Obama.
Corsi in his latest book goes into deep contemplation according to what facts are present when he states:
The plan called for Democrats in Congress to beat the mainstream media drum until Trump resigned or stepped aside [like Nixon] for Vice President Mike Pence. Should it fail to remove Trump from office through impeachment or a charge under the 25th Amendment that he is mentally incompetent, "executive action" - a CIA plan to assassinate Trump - is the Deep State's last resort.
Rush Limbaugh is also aware of the dangerous 'Deep State' as he explains in this interview ...

Disconcerting is the fact how corrupt the CIA, FBI and DOJ became under the Obama administration - which too many "operatives" still exist. It is why Comey got fired for burying the chance of prosecuting presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
In the book, Killing The Deep State, I direct you to some passages that are revealing ....
  • A $675,000 money trail leads from the Democratic Party to the top levels of the FBI. Few Americans have seen how these dots connect. [found on page 9]
  • Globalists in the Deep State have already decided that Trump must be removed from the presidency. [Three different plans are listed at page 30]
  • Extensive evidence that the real Russian collusion involved Democrats. [found at page 98]
  • Why did Hillary order Robert Mueller to make a secret trip to Russia? [page 107]
At Page 160, Corsi provides a counter-offensive Trump must launch if he is to take full advantage of his historic opportunity to Make America Great Again.
Meanwhile, Obama continues his efforts to turn "black" America against Donald Trump and how the Marxist media ignores that Antifa has been deemed a terrorist organization by Homeland Security "champions their cause and hails them as heroes". [See Page 134]
Jerome Corsi is not the only one who is focused upon identifying and focusing upon the need to destroy it is the Judicial Watch


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