Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Treatise Concerning Our Fight Against Islamic Facism

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke 1729-1797, Irish Philosopher & Statesman
First before beginning this examination one must accept that the fight is against Islamic fascism and Islamic Theocracy. Since GW Bush was president it has been known as the War On Terrorism, which is not correct because terrorism is a form of violent action and "terrorists" is not the descriptive of those the free world is fighting against despite that those enacting those actions are not just terrorists.

It is a global organization comprised of many cells that falls under the envelope of Sharia Law of Islam which is a theocracy whose purpose is global domination. That agenda was outlined by ISIS.

Second, the culture in society and attitude of too many in our government have ignored or is oblivious to the fact that we are sending husbands, sons and daughters to fight against Islamic fascism and its quest for global domination through violence and terror, while we have politicians, governors, mayors and citizens protecting and appeasing Muslims who have come here as immigrants and have no intention of assimilating into our society; but instead promoting the same system they left behind. Too many consider themselves "refugees" and like those in Europe is a false pretense and should be considered as seditious invaders instead. So we are sending troops to fight the enemy we are allowing to remain here. What level of stupidity is that?
Too many Americans are not realizing that Muslims want a theocracy to replace our Constitution.

The Clarion Project has done extensive investigation of Islamic cells and organizations operating here in the US for the past decade. Bush who claimed to be at war against terrorism did nothing about these cells. Indeed, it was found that the founders of CAIR were financing the very people we were fighting against. Was CAIR dissolved? NO! The perpetuators were arrested and deported, but CAIR still exercises its influence upon our government and those operating it.
Organized militia is nothing new in our country, but there is a difference between paramilitary and militia - especially those who are operating here in our country are preparing for seditious acts against our way of life and Constitutional government.
Our First Amendment was designed to prevent a theocracy ...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ....
It has been a custom to be generally tolerant of people of different religions and races, with some exceptions like hate groups like KKK, Black Panthers, White Supremacists, Neo-Nazi, etc.
We the People of the United States cannot be expected to be tolerant of a religion, a people, whose intent is to subjugate, commit sedition and whose doctrine is of hate (Jews are to be exterminated like what Nazi tried to do), violence and oppression of people's liberties.
We cannot be tolerant towards an intolerant people/religion.
How can anyone compromise with a religion, a people, who would substitute our constitutional republic for a theocracy?
The Founders included the religious clause of the First Amendment for the very reason they did not want any theocracy to be established in the United States.
Some veterans were so upset about Iraq falling to ISIS after fighting to free Iraq from theocratic tyranny, they returned as volunteers to fight with Kurdish against ISIS, as shown in following video.
After we have seen the mistakes Europe has made in believing "refugees" want to assimilate into European nations - should we not use that lesson to clean up our act here at home before we decide to send troops to end Islamic fascism? They are invaders, not immigrants or "refugees".
The threat is realized by many, but not enough. In the following video mercenaries explain that they are fighting when governments are failing, like in the Philippines.

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