Monday, March 12, 2018

Our Government was Designed to be a Republic

Regulations should only be made to protect citizens.
Taxes should only be used to support a LIMITED GOVERNMENT - not to punish a portion of the populace for being productive or use in social engineering like overtaxing tobacco, vehicles that use more miles per gallon, fuel, etc.
We the People have allowed all what has developed to be what our government is today - beyond the limitations set forth by the Constitution.

The unique wisdom of our Founders who carefully orchestrated our form of government is the best government ever devised by a civilization in human history. Yet, we allow those we elect to counter that wisdom and accept a poor example of government such as Marxism; Americans wrongly think they can devise a form of Marxism - specifically those who are Democrats and support their policies. Those socialist policies began with Woodrow Wilson, expanded with FDR and has expanded ever since. FDR used the Great Depression as a means to steer our government towards Marxism that has reached alarming proportions.
Why do so many youth choose to have a "democratic socialist" - an idea formed by Democrats to gain power that they believe is a "good" form of Marxism. Such a government that is not limited becomes increasingly corrupted - and increasingly difficult to return to the wisdom of the Founders and reform. One of the principles of promoting Marxism in its political planks is the state takes over educational system to indoctrinate a nation's youth. The United States spends more on education than any other nation but falls far behind international standards because educational institutions are too busy teaching our children things like social justice and curriculum designed to socially engineer future citizens.

Another problem today by allowing those we elect to dissolve is the "separation of powers" of which the framers of our Constitution thought a major principle of our intended form of government. As an example, the US Supreme Court has become a power that legislates law instead of ensuring the Constitution is applied. Legislation falls to the responsibility to Congress made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Another problem, caused by the Democrat-Socialist political movement, a party that started a war to keep slavery, is defying not only the Constitution but our immigration laws that are designed to ensure that we do not have an overflow of immigrants like what occurred in the 1800s and early 1900s where the flood of immigrants increased unemployment and thus increasing crime rate and other problems of society. Why? Because the Democrats in their decades of voting fraud realized that they get more votes if they support illegal immigrants an amount of people that designates an invasion. Those illegals have become so bold that they are demanding rights they do not deserve and are using programs only for citizens.

What President Donald Trump is doing is something that should have been started decades ago - reducing regulations that stymies citizens, not help them and our economy.
What so many call "liberalism" is actually democratic socialism. If you think that form of government is better, you might want to look at the facts about what happens when the Democratic Party gets control of a city or state. California, as an example, is becoming a 3rd-world state as what happened to Venezuela that was once a wealthy nation full of resources like oil ...
The "Democrat[ic] Party" has become so corrupt and insisting in our nation turn to Marxism that it needs to dissolve and reform. The last decent Democrat was John F. Kennedy. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat until he realized where the party was heading. Jimmy Carter has been a humanitarian, but naïve to think that socialism should be adopted.
Citizens are waking up, but more need to be enlightened. Our educational system needs a makeover, reformation back to where students are taught about the government that was created by the Founders and stop rewriting history and use schools as a social engineering institution. Our higher educational institutions (colleges and universities) must promote reasoning, discussion and less social engineering and social justice curriculum. They must also apply the Constitution as it was written, not what they perceive it to be. A great danger exists because most media corporations have adopted support of democratic socialism while pretending to support our Constitution the foundation of our form of government.

It all falls to "We the People" because we are the ones who still have the power of voting. We should also support installing a system to prevent voting fraud. If it were not for the Electoral College concept wisely devised by the Founders, Democrats would win in every election. Indeed, without fraud or the Electoral College, Hillary Clinton would have become president.
We the People have allowed the corrupt Democrats to desecrate our Constitution, our family nucleus and values, politically and socially engineer our children, and replace our established traditions and moral principles. It is time to end that.
Finally, Democrats support Islamic invasion for two major reasons: votes and fear. Our 1st Amendment protects citizens to practice their religious beliefs. However, a religion that promotes theocracy and violence with NO tolerance, does not deserve tolerance nor does the tolerance of Judaism and Christianity be required to be tolerant of such an evil doctrine. If so, if the Mayan culture had survived, human sacrifice would be allowed. Our nation's Founders and government was set forth by Judeo-Christian principles, yet Atheists are free to not believe in ANY religion. But Atheists do not have the right to demand we tear down monuments and remove the Ten Commandments - which is the fundamental foundation of any successful civilization even excluding the commandment of only one God.
So-called "liberals" that support the democratic socialist political entity are only tolerant to those that agree with their political-social agenda.
Islam promotes theocracy - that is totally against our form of government, realized by wise Founders.
It is also against the clauses and amendments of our Constitution. It is NOT unreasonable to insist that Islamic immigrants abide by our laws and form of government. If not, they should not come here and remain where theocracy is instituted - which history has shown not so good for citizens of a nation.
The United States was once an icon for freedom and liberty and a model for which other nations could adopt. In recent decades, increasingly there are Americans who want to imitate Europe in their march towards Marxism adopting socialism. One would think because of historical tragedies they would not want such a thing and ignored the warnings of Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher. But the Democrat Party has steered toward this corrupt system. Too many in the United States want to adopt what has happened in Europe - an invasion that did not succeed during the Crusade wars. Islamic immigrants have become what most were intended - an invasion corrupting society and government by its infiltration. In the following video is a Muslim who has lived under the theocracy that too many want to adopt. Meanwhile, the democrat-socialists endeavor to destroy the 2nd Amendment and promoting preborn infanticide.
It all boils down to the responsibility of We the People if we do not want to see the form of government Founders so wisely created and early Americans suffered and died to achieve be relegated to the dustbin of history.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

[Ronald Reagan]

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