Monday, July 05, 2021

Independence Day and the Fight To Save Our Republic

  Our 245th Independence Day anniversary has come and gone this year. But during the rest of the year that day must remain in our minds as we deal with the “clear and present danger” against our Republic, the type of government the Founders created so wisely, which ended up being the best government system in human history. But only if the People protect the Constitution and its amendments.

I have read in commentary on social media where Americans fantasize about another American Revolution. They are allowing emotion to cloud their thinking because there will never be another revolution whose outcome will be such a success (and never has). Just look at France, Russia, Central American and South American countries’ revolutions. Often as not, the outcome is too often worse than before the revolution.

Thus, We the People must use our Founders as a guideline realizing why historians dubbed the period in time as the “Age of Reasoning” as world historian, Will Durant, documented in his 13-volume “History of Civilization” in the seventh volume entitled “The Age of Reason Begins”. This means that through careful selection of who operates our government through the voting system must be as meticulous and serious as when one considers purchasing a home. This means that character DOES count and constitutionalists are needed and the voting process must be protected from fraud and corruption.

The gist of this great reform that would be an administrative revolution must be that our broken education system must be fixed - Marxist teachers and administrators must be expelled, which also means the people must select their local school board members carefully as well - firing those who insist upon continuing the damaging indoctrination of Marxism and social engineering application. Publicly funded schools should be teaching American youth math, literature, and science - not social and value instruction because that is the task of parents. Indeed, the parent-teacher system must be renewed because too many citizens have become lazy and apathetic which has allowed the state to take over raising America’s youth. 

There were key factors that brought about the Declaration of Independence from the British monarchy. 

* Unfair taxation.

* State authority over private property.

* Abuse of power against the people.

UNFAIR TAXATION - Since income tax was implemented instead of consumption tax and trade fees, it has progressed into a monster that grows larger depending upon who are operating our government. Taxation is not only progressive, but people’s income get taxed more than once as well as fees being slipped into utility and business transactions, such as construction fees and licenses to do business. Before you get your paycheck, the net amount, federal income tax is subtracted along with payments into the Social Security and Medicare system. Then, because state governments need revenue, one pays a percentage tax upon things one purchases. Many states have excluded food from that tax, which is good. However, too many states not only collect percentage tax from your purchases, but also join the federal government to tax one’s income. For those who want to put aside funds from their net earnings, they put it into a financial institution in either a simple savings account (that pays less than 1% interest now) or a higher yielding account like money market. If they can, they will also put a portion into a retirement fund of some kind, either personally or through payroll deductions via their employer. 

Keep in mind that money you have decided to set aside for the future and emergencies has already been taxed. Then the federal government taxes any dividends or interest received from those funds you have received that is net of your gross wages & salaries. 

But it does not end there. Your utilities like Internet & TV services are charged a fee or surcharge who passes it along to you. Same goes for your electric and gas services. Even your trash service is charged a surcharge that is passed onto you. When you fill up your vehicle’s fuel tank, federal, state and local tax is added to the price per gallon. The eco-fascists that are pushing for electric cars and trucks have not counted on the government to tax public recharging stations and believe me it will as soon as there are enough to make it worth their while. In the meantime, I am sure the states will utilize the sales tax to get their share.

States get their tax revenue from sales tax and income tax where it is administered. But the counties (local government) need funds to operate. Local governments use the revenue from real estate property taxes to fund public services, such as fire protection, law enforcement, road work and schools. Without property taxes, local governments would have a difficult time funding these services; property tax revenue accounts for "about half of the revenue raised by local governments" in the United States. 

So, the federal government taxes money more than one (twice). States that impose both a sales tax and income tax are also guilty. 

And finally, the most cruel taxation of all is what the people call the “Death Tax”, the government calling it “Inheritance Tax”. After you have paid taxes all your life on your property and have accumulated something to pass to your family upon your death - the heirs find out that the IRS arrives to collect a tax upon the value of the estate. Politicians would have you believe this only affects the “rich”. LIE. Real estate values rise as time goes by and other factors, so a farm, business, etc. could be valued at quite the price - which is taxed. The real estate taxes by the way continue to be enforced to whoever has their name on the deed. A family business who has been able to pay off (or not) its property or a large farm or ranch, the heir(s) could find themselves strapped by a horrific tax amount. 

Whether it involves wealthy people or not - the Death Tax is the cruelest and definitely unfair. Some politicians have swore to end it - but thus far they have failed. 

To make matter worse in terms of unfairness and intrusion - there is the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) who authority has become akin to the infamous Gestapo can seize your funds and property BEFORE you are convicted of any “tax evasion”. This is definitely unconstitutional under at least one constitutional clause that states “innocent until proven guilty”. And people should factor how long it takes federal courts to bring about a trial. 

And since there are people who think that the wealthy, who generally provide employment for the rest of us unless we are involved in family small businesses, farms and ranches are determined by the social justice minded that a “progressive” tax is implemented which supports the Marxist ideology of “distributed wealth and income” to make up for those who pay little or even NO taxes after the annual refund is factored in. And this latter truth is why too many people are not outraged about the income tax and one reason why H.R. 25, Fair Tax Act has languished in Congress for more than a decade. 

What needs to be done is repeal the 16th Amendment and at the same time make a new one implementing a consumption tax based upon a flat rate.

At a flat rate (percentage) and a consumption tax, the wealthy will automatically pay more because they have the funds to SPEND more. Things like primary and personal residence and food will be excluded from being taxed. There will no misery of filling out paperwork annually and having the cost of an accounting service perform that task because the income tax system has become so complex not even IRS employees understand it completely. Once a year your employer or self-employed individual will fill out a post card sized form concerning salary or wages (gross) for census purposes. 

The government spends $191 billion annually for paperwork. For personal income tax paperwork (including accounting) costs are estimated at $98 billion and businesses at $147 billion. It’s absurd. Factor in the inflated salaries of those employed by the government (Dr. Fauci is paid almost $500,000 annually) and we can see one of the reasons why our national debt is ridiculous.


Our Declaration of Independence was significantly because of unfair and intrusive taxation. How are we any better off today?

Combine this problem with the federal government “owning” land and abusing its authority and abuse of power as well as bypassing the Constitution - We the People have a right to be angry. One can see why the Democrat-Socialists want to override the Second Amendment and ignore freedom of speech as well as not implement factors to prevent voting fraud and corruption.  


The Fair Tax Book by Neal Boortz and John Linder [NOTE: John Linder was my Representative in Congress when I lived in Georgia and who sponsored the H.R. 25 bill initially.]

Uncle Sam's Plantation by Star Parker  

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