Thursday, June 11, 2020

Senate Committee Votes to Rename Military Installations

Tearing down and defacing monuments has been a preoccupation of citizens instigated by the Democrat-Socialists and anarchy groups like BLM & Antifa. Now they want to rename a list of U.S. Army posts in the name of Political Correctness. Now being pushed by the Senate Armed Services Committee, who is supposed to be part of a committee to pass an annual defense bill, Elizabeth Warren, a member of that committee stated in a Tweet:
As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I filed an amendment to the annual defense bill last week to rename all bases named for Confederate generals. It's long past due to end the tribute to white supremacy on our military installations.

If this action is so important to Elizabeth Warren political correctness, then she should have the name “Pocahontas” attached to her as her middle name to remind everyone what a fraud she is. And let's go further. Since the Democrat Party was the party that promoted slavery and started the Civil War and the political party that created the Confederate States of America, change its name. Something more appropriate to the truth of its political platform – how about: DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICAN MARXISM?
David Patreaus, a retired political U.S. Army general and Director of Central Intelligence Agency who resigned because of scandal in 2012, wrote in the Atlantic:
As I have watched Confederate monuments being removed by state and local governments, and sometimes by the forceful will of the American people, the fact that 10 U.S. Army installations are named for Confederate officers has weighed on me. That number includes the Army’s largest base, one very special to many in uniform: Fort Bragg, in North Carolina. The highway sign for Bragg proclaims it home of the airborne and special operations forces. I had three assignments there during my career. Soldiers stationed at Bragg are rightly proud to serve in its elite units. Some call it “the Center of the Military Universe,” “the Mother Ship,” or even “Hallowed Ground.” But Braxton Bragg—the general for whom the base was named—served in the Confederate States Army.
The Senate committee announced on 11 June 2020 that it had voted to include an executive summary with text confirming the amendment.
Establishing a commission to study and provide recommendations concerning the removal, names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America, addressing an implementation plan, cost, and criteria for renaming, among other procedures. The implementation plan is to be implemented three years after enactment.”
The amendment, as aforementioned, was introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren and passed via voice vote in a CLOSED-DOOR committee meeting that will provide the Pentagon a three-year deadline to rename the bases.
On 10 June 2020, White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, stated that President Trump would “not be signing legislation that renames America's forts,” and our 45th President of the United States reaffirmed his position upon such renaming in a Tweet on 10 June 2020.
Important issues are at hand and Democrats (and some Republican RINOs) are busy naming post offices instead of figuring out how the US postal system can start making a profit or at least breaking even and proposing to rename military posts.
Our military installations are NOT centers for “white supremacy”. I challenge any member of Congress to visit military installations and prove such a false claim.
President Trump stated in the 10 June 2020 Tweet:
It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Benning in Georgia, etc. These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations.”
On 8 June 2020, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Defense Secretary Mark Esper reversed their previous statements that “renaming bases was not up for consideration.”
State governors and city mayors are bending to this ridiculous movement to remove any reminders of our history – and all historical figures are under scrutiny to include the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus.
Shame upon We the People who have allowed American Marxists and Race Baiters to permeate our educational system and indoctrinate our youth into angry citizens who believe any form of Marxism is better than that which the Founders so wisely created. Our form of government has been an icon for other nations to follow and the best form ever devised in human history based upon a well thought out Constitution and its amendments that came to be known as the Bill of Rights.
It is time to take back America and our educational system from the mob who brings nothing but turmoil, hatred and disrespect of all that made America great.
Find out if your senator is on the committee and voted for this nonsense and make sure they are not reelected. 

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