Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mainstream Marxist Media - "Enemy of the People"

I refer to an episode with an American Asian reporter who stated our President answer to her question was directed to her personally. He had only spoken the truth - China caused this pandemic, medically and politically. Here is the video clip of the incident:

This demonstrates how far out of tune the American Marxists are to reality.
First of all, the reporter does not know the difference between nationality and race.
The reporter is obviously Asian. But according to her citizenship, she is an American. She or her ancestors may have arrived here from China, which meant they were once Chinese citizens, but her race is Asian her nationality American.
President Trump, in answering her pointless question, referred to the truth of where this virus pandemic originated - China, a communist country that suppresses human rights, but has a representative on the United Nations' human rights council. A country that suppressed the fact that a virus escaped a facility in Wuhan, China blamed it on wild animal meat markets. Did not issue a warning to the world how dangerous the virus had become. Frankly, overall, dishonest about everything about what has become known as the "Wuhan Virus" or COVID-19.

The media and the Democrat-Socialists are hell-bent upon destroying and criticizing anything our 45th President accomplishes and are gleeful that our economy President Trump boosted is in the midst of crashing because of the Chinese virus. Instead of solutions, Congress and its media minions are more concentrated upon elevation of their party's power than what is good for America. When this virus pandemic was beginning to flourish, Democrat-Socialists were concentrated upon an ever-elusive "Russian Collusion" and faux impeachment rather than do what they were elected to do.
Marxism has been eating away like cancer in our education system, society and creating the "Deep State" government designed and orchestrated by the Obama administration. Marxists (communists & socialists) have infected our country beginning with Woodrow Wilson and grew in the background for decades finally coming out in the open with the alleged "transparent" Obama administration and America's younger generation do not see the danger because they have are products of government public school system that has been in control by using our schools as their personal indoctrination centers. If anyone points out to this or objects, they are immediately stifled and discredited by a corrupt mainstream media where social engineering and political correctness madness has become the norm.
It is time to "take back America" from Marxists and social engineers and reform our education system and government back to what the Founders envisioned, not under the principles of Karl Marx and his destructive ideology that history has shown is not better than our constitutional republic that beats any government system ever devised in human history.

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