Thursday, March 25, 2021

American Civics Promotes Continuation of our Republic

 Public Affairs: "The American republic rests upon the foundation of “E Pluribus Unum” — out of many, one. Although the Founders knew from their own experience that a vast diversity in outlooks and opinions would be present among the country’s citizens, they understood that such diversity must rest upon principles and practices we hold in common. It is up to each generation to make sure that this foundational unity remains intact."

 Just before the end of President Trump's term he promoted proper civics be taught from K-12 and in universities and colleges countering against the divisional anti-American trash being taught to America's youth. It was named the 1776 Project

"1776 Series is a collection of original essays that explain the foundational themes of the American experience. Commissioned from distinguished historians and scholars, these essays contribute to the broader goal of RealClear's American Civics portal: providing an education in the principles and practices that every patriotic citizen should know."

The 1776 series of essays countered the propaganda of the Marxist 1619 Project produced by writers of the New York Times long known for its bias and misinforming reports and opinions. It's inaccuracies have been pointed out but still is being used in our education system as a form of civics education, its theme is racism. It is just another form of indoctrination based upon lies and degradation of the history of the United States.

Partial list of those essays in the 1776 Series include:


Why Is the Constitution Not Democratic? by Dennis Hale & Marc Landy

Self Government, the American Way by Will Morrisey  

Started in Slavery, Founded in Freedom: 1619 vs. 1776 by S. Adam Seagrave

Republican Self-Government Versus Judicial Supremacy by Greg Weiner 

 Freedom of Speech Versus Identity Politics by Arthur Milikh 

The Lost Art of Association by Luke C. Sheahan 

Our tax dollars has financed a "politically correct" and "multicultural" curriculum that deters from the truth of our nation's founding and degradation of the Founders who created the best form of government in human history. Lynne Cheney, wife of former Chief of Staff and whose daughter Liz Cheney is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) led the politically correct narrative as head of the National Endowment for the Humanities presenting a "gloomy" narrative defining our nation by its failures and oppressions rather than achievements and progress. Thus America's youth has a dismal picture of American history and a growing number of them thanks to a broken education system are blindly welcoming Marxism in the form of socialism and even communism in the case of radical groups like Antifa

The failure of a broken education system has led directly to ignorance of American civics and the development of violent groups such as the Antifa and BLM

Young Americans know nothing about the Constitution. Very few know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. College graduates think the author of the Constitution was Thomas Jefferson when he was not in the country at the time of its drafting. According to NewsMax (and other sources) only one in five Americans can name a government branch! More than one third cannot name one right guaranteed by the First Amendment, a commonly known part of the U.S. Constitution.

College graduates polled in 2016 thought "Judge Judy" on TV was serving on the U.S. Supreme Court! 

This should be an embarassment to all Americans and testament of how our education system has eroded and political system been corrupted. We the People are the gist of fault for being the apathetic "silent majority" for far too long - and because America's youth is being indoctrinated destined to become the "silenced minority". 

In a 2016 Harvard study only 19% of millennials believe that a military coup is not allowed in a democracy much less a constitutional republic. The American ship of state has wandered so far off course it may not be able to recover.

We the People must demand that American Civics be returned to the K-12 classrooms and that at least Constitution 101 be a requirement for a degree from a university or college. 

Hillsdale College offers free constitution course online. I also suggest reading my book: Our Constitution: Primer to Our Republic and its Founders 



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