Tuesday, June 12, 2018

We the People Must Take Responsibility and Act

This short essay is not directed to those voters who research political candidates, their political voting record (if available), and their personal and educational background. Not those voters who seek constitutionalists who are eager to serve the People, protect our constitutional republic, and know that a limited government with only legislation required to keep America great is what is needed. Not Marxism that has been proven NOT good for the People or a nation's well being.
This is directed to those who do not perform that which is required as a responsible citizen and voter. Those who think that the American people must be controlled by their elites who put everything into a neat box and chastise anyone who thinks outside of that box. Those that support the Democratic-Socialist movement that is everything what America should never be and those who choose to denounce our nation in their nonsensical politically correct form of socialism.

The Constitution of the United States demands a limited government for a reason. The larger an organization, whether it be governmental or private enterprise is more prone to corruption and wasteful spending than a more concise entity that has the best chance of being efficient. If one actually studies the Founders and what they created, they will soon be astonished at their wisdom in seeking the best type of government that serves the People and their nation. The Founders not only demanded a concise government for efficiency, they created a Constitution that was also concise and kept simple so all citizens can understand its concept.

It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.” — James Madison

The Democrat Party has, in its long history, insisted that our government be a democracy and has done so for so long and working their doctrine into our educational system that people actually believe it is what the Founders created. They ignore the fact that the word “democracy” is not mentioned in the Constitution for a reason and that reason has been made plain by several Founders in The Federalist Papers and personal letters.

"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death. — James Madison

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." — Thomas Jefferson

"Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos." — John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1801-1835

Democracy is the vote by the People, and that is where it ends in terms of a republic. Our constitutional republic has both the majority vote and the Electoral College and for a good reason. [See How the Electoral College Works]
People point fingers at politicians concerning issues about how our government is operated and how it has become so complex and expensive. True, those politicians should be admonished – but they were elected by the People! So the initial blame falls upon those who put that person in office. It is because people are:
  1. Looking for the wrong things in a politician – “what's in it for me” syndrome.
  2. Rely on mainstream media that is not much more than tabloids.
  3. Believe in political ads without doing their own research for the truth.
  4. Just plain lazy and votes using their emotions and promises made by the politician instead of performing research based upon reputable sources and logic.
  5. Are not concerned that the politician wanting to be elected or reelected is a constitutionalist or even competent for the job.
You would be surprised how many members of Congress don't understand or recognize what the Constitution is all about and how/why it was created. Why in the world would someone vote for someone like that?
I realize that it is frustrating keeping up with local government, state government and federal government – it is overwhelming. But the power of the Internet and the speed in which we can obtain information helps a great deal. However, we must use logic in determining what is reputable sources of information and that which is nothing more than an indoctrination entity.
President Trump seeks reformation, which is why he decided to run for office. He did not get my vote in the primary election for president (Senator Cruz was my choice) because there wasn't any political background to research and I did not like his dirty politics actions against Senator Cruz and his family. I did like Donald Trump's ideas of what needs to be done to get America back on track. If anyone was paying attention, much of what Senator Cruz was saying (and backing up with action as a senator) were similar to what president-elect Trump was saying.
When Trump won the primary election I had no choice but to take the chance that he was sincere in what he was saying. It turned out, thankfully, he is a man of his word keeping all his promises except prosecution of Hillary Clinton by special investigation.
Unfortunately the Democratic-Socialists beat him to the punch by orchestrating a special investigation that has been a year-long Inquisition “Witch Hunt” that has proven nothing but revealed how deep the corruption was during the Obama administration – showing actual “collusion” via Russia and the Islamic fascists the government has sent to fight. The Democrats have been obstructing at every turn since Mr. Trump's inauguration (actually even before) with the help of mainstream Marxist media whose bias is obvious and without conscience.
Trump's fight against the “fake news” media is something that Senator Cruz has been doing all of his congressional tenure. When it comes to truth and what is right, he has not been timid in denouncing people within the GOP. Because Senator Cruz and President Trump think along the same lines and respect the Constitution, they have worked together despite no public apology for the dirty politics toward Senator Cruz and his family. That is testament to the character of Senator Ted Cruz and his determination as a constitutionalist where the People and our nation is above any political entity.
Too many politicians during a campaign focus too much on pointing out flaws of an opponent's personal and political record. They should balance their campaign with pointing out what the other candidate(s) have done wrong, but also provide detail as to why their agenda will work. That is the major reason for Senator Cruz' success. If you noticed he took the time to explain in detail why his plans will work during the primary campaign of 2016. He now is running for reelection as Senator of Texas on those same principles. He not only talks about what he has done, but demonstrates by action what he is doing. In the primary campaign, his words matched his actions – past and present. That is important and should be considered when a voter must make a choice.
President Trump has also showed he is a person of action and with an energy rarely seen for some time. Democrats are so busy trying to obstruct President Trump's administration, cover up the corruption within their ranks, and intent on finding something to hang him with that they are losing supporters. In my opinion, not enough Americans are waking up, evidenced by the commentary from the socialist “trolls” on social media. The Democrats and their socialism is a noose around their neck and more people would see this if they were not indoctrinated in our educational system that the Progressives have so earnestly polluted.
We the People have waited too long to see that the Founders' constitutional republic is better than any government system ever devised and should always remain our type of government forever. Now it will take some time, if there are enough patriots left to keep America great and protect our republic, for a real reformation. And that can only take place if we reform ourselves, our society and culture.
The United States is a nation built on immigration, but immigrants who refuse to assimilate and create cultural division are useless and should not be allowed to do so. Immigration laws were put in place for a good reason – ensuring that we are not immigrating another country's problems (criminals), ensuring that people immigrating are not going to introduce communicable diseases creating an epidemic, and ensure they understand that if they are accepted they are to be assimilated citizens who speak, read and write English and understand the importance of constitutional laws – including immigration laws. There is nothing “racial” or derogatory to expect that. Our nation's history shows that we have an immigration system that is more flexible than many other nations – but those same nations blame us for demanding that illegal invaders not be accepted.
We are living in dangerous times, but we also now have the opportunity to return to what made our nation great in the first place – unity, perseverance, patriotism (not nationalism, there IS a difference), and recognizing as citizens we are ALL Americans regardless of race, creed, or whatever. To separate ourselves based upon skin pigmentation or lack of it is ludicrous, childish and does not promote strength. Our youth is impressed with Marxism because they are influenced by a corrupt educational system. 

Power is important to get things done. The Constitution provides power to three branches and all are limited for a reason. Power is abused when it becomes more important than the welfare of our nation, its security (economical and otherwise), and the liberties of the People to accomplish great things and live their lives with as much peace and happiness life allows. 
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
The right to be afforded the "pursuit of happiness" does not guarantee that you will find that happiness. No government can do this.
 “If every man has freedom to do all that he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man, then he is free to drop connection with the state – to relinquish its protection and to refuse paying toward its support. It is self-evident that in so behaving he in no way trenches upon the liberty of others, for his position is a passive one, and while passive he cannot become an aggressor. It is equally self-evident that he cannot be compelled to continue one of a political corporation without a breach of the moral law, seeing that citizenship involves payment of taxes; and the taking away of a man’s property against his will is an infringement of his rights.”  — Herbert Spencer
Our strength, as in any successful civilization, relies upon the strength of our family unit. We must return to those values and moral principles that make a civilization successful and nation strong. We've lost sight on what is important.
We the People have allowed Progressives (falsely called "liberals") to permeate our educational system and despite putting more money into it than other nations, is a failure as our 14th placement in the list of international educational standards demonstrates. That must end and be reformed - putting the educational system back to state and local government and closer to the watchful eye of the People.
Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are correct about strength makes peace. 
Anyone can make war but only the most courageous can make peace.” - President Donald J. Trump, June 12, 2018
Democrats are going to have to reform themselves or be relegated to the dust bin of history – if not, and We the People let them win – the one nation that has been an icon for liberty and justice - our beloved republic so wisely created by men of a revolution will no longer exist.
And that will be bad for the entire planet.

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