Friday, May 04, 2018

Hawaiian Goddess, Pele, Loses Her Temper on Kilauea, Meanwhile ....

Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano erupted today. 
I think Hawaii has more to be concerned about something other than sunscreen lotion that Hawaiian legislature recently past bill to ban sunscreen because it causes "bleaching" of local coral. Hawaiian legislators passed the ban, will the governor sign it?
What will the outdoors people into expensive fashion clothes have to say about not allowed to use sunscreen? 
Independent photo
Tune in for more craziness courtesy of humans. Meanwhile ....

Obviously this series of earthquakes followed by lava flowing and eruptions is either caused by "global warming" or the Hawaiian goddess, Pele

Or maybe Hiʻiaka, Pele's sister, dancing the "Hula" too much while using sunscreen.
It's all up for grabs when it comes to consensus junk science as people speculate how "global warming" is caused.
Meanwhile, it is snowing in Rome, Italy and 30-inches of snow dropped in late April on Door Peninsula, Wisconsin. In 2012 I reported about such a spring snowstorm in 2012.
Fortunately the volcano is not the kind that spews ash in the atmosphere screwing everything up for hundreds of miles.

If Pompeiians were around today they would tell you what happens to people when towns are buried under ash. 
Ancient Tides photo
That's what many volcanoes do, part of the natural history of this "blue marble" planet we call Earth circling around the star called "Sun".
And since that star has been brought up, the "Chicken Littles" are not paying much attention to solar flares and activities in regards to climate change.
That star will one day burn itself out because it is too small of a star to supernova. However when our star finally goes, it will take the Earth with it. 
Meanwhile, humans are polluting fresh water sources and the oceans; which one would think would be something to focus upon rather than something that cannot be "fixed" by politicians and Al Gore, who has become wealthy from his global warming--climate change crusade. As in the past climate changes that were drastic, life must adapt, migrate, or die as Darwin pointed out. 
Hawaiian politicians are worried about using sunscreen (which prevents skin cancer) while their shores are littered with "global trash". 
Hawaiian Trash - NOAA photo 
Instead of forcing people to use ethanol, we should be focusing upon cleaning up and keeping clean water of life. Which was attempted by a congressional bill that was part of Senator Cruz's crusade against intrusive and useless regulations in 2015 and again in 2017.
Billings Gazette 
Will President Trump get Congress to pass a repeal since he is ditching draconian regulations presently? Senator Cruz has not given up because he still pushes for the repeal of the ethanol mandate regulation. One thing I learned about those that operate our government is they take more time fixing things, repealing bills that should have never been passed (or signed by president) than it takes to deliberate something responsibly. And while they are at it, lower the tax on diesel so Americans can enjoy the benefits of a diesel engine that doesn't have ethanol and less additives than gasoline.

We are presently pushing for expansion of humanity into the universe, this galaxy or another. But in the meantime, shouldn't we be more concerned about the actions of self-destruction and corruption of scientific endeavor? 
Imagine if the effort and funding that has been put into a climate change consensus could be applied towards true science and the endeavor to clean up our planet as we plan to explore the universe?
Discover Magazine 
Imagine if the effort and funding spent on killing each other were also put to that good use?

There are those who worry about humanity and threatening conditions on Earth while they murder tens of thousands of unborn infants in the most barbaric way one could ever imagine. 
Just a random thought ...
Post Script - I suggest that Progressive commentators on Facebook post sources along with their misinformed and often obnoxious commentary like you see in this article.

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