Democrats have been downplaying the importance of our Founding Fathers and by commandeering our education system installing Marxist teachers who have been indoctrinated by our corrupt collegiate system, they have established Marxist teachers, professors and administrators. Some local education councils have been chosen to go along with the detrimental curriculum that has poisoned the minds of America's youth and have grown so powerful that they counter parental wishes as to what their children should be taught and should not.
Democrats have set about destroying our traditions and pick and choosing what is in historical textbooks. They have used race and politics to divide and deceive the populace, reminiscent of a time in history when the general populace, looked upon as peasants, are being dumbed down and kept in the dark through mainstream media that panders to one political entity and acts as the Democrats propaganda machine.America's Founding Fathers were not just statesmen, they were intellectuals who knew the importance of their ideas and how best to communicate those ideas to the public. Today, it is hard to find true statesmen and stateswomen who are loyal to constitutional law and dedicated to the reinstatement of our Constitutional Republic. Today, there are too many politicians and not enough statesmen.
In the speeches and addresses the Founding Fathers made, and in the editorials, essays, and pamphlets published, we see them expressing the principles that created a new nation, and reaching consensus about the best form of government that would endure and sustain the republic well beyond their time. It was those checks-and-balances and the Electoral College that made our nation unique from all others. It is what established our nation's greatness.
All that is being tossed aside by corrupt individuals who have consistently worked at destroying that system the Founders so wisely devised and established. The evilness of their agenda has become quite clear, but because the Democrat Socialists have established a “Deep State”, it has used part of those checks-and-balances as a weapon to destroy their political adversaries. The Democrat Marxists have become so demented, evil and corrupt that they have been activating an administrative coup against a sitting president and even after he lost an election because of their corruption.The grievance of the 13 colonies against England was established by a crown who taxed without representation and taxed heavily to pay for its top-heavy government. Yet today, Americans are forced to finance through taxation, regulations, and fees things they do not want. Taxpayer dollars are being used for a minute 1% of the population's benefit that most Americans are against such a movement. Billions are being sent to Ukraine without knowing what it is being used for. Many feel that the 46th president is being generous to the Ukraine because of his monetary ties to the corruption of its government, maybe even possibly being blackmailed like Biden blackmailed Ukraine government when he was a Vice President.
Samuel Adams wrote in 1772:
“Among the natural rights of the colonies are these: First, a right to life. Second, to liberty. Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature. … In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practised, and both by precept and example inculcated on mankind. It is now generally agreed among Christians that this spirit of toleration, in the fullest extent consistent with the being of civil society, is the chief charactisterical mark of the true Church.“
Today we see the Deep State corrupt government persecuting Christians and Jews and showing their anti-Semitic ideology when it comes to Israel, our ally for decades.
Hollywood has become the epitome of evil. Actor Christian Bale, a Democrat activist and stepson of feminist Gloria Steinem, recently gave thanks to Satan for helping him win his Golden Globe award for his role in Vice, destroying the reputation of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
The Democratic Party has become increasingly leftist and anti-capitalist in its pursuit of "social justice" and "income equality." They believe and indoctrinate America's youth into believing that bad is good and good is bad, wealth distribution, freedom from the repression of religion and by “progressive” education all can enjoy their promise of utopia. Time and again, it has been proven by academics and history that Marxism, whether in the form of communism or national socialism, only brings misery to the general public, while the ruling elite are sequestered from its poverty.
Indeed, the lesson of socialism was enacted her in our homeland with the socialist experiment of Governor William Bradford with the Pilgrims who soon discovered that there were slackers living off the labors of others.
The Democratic Party's socialism has taken root in our education system that is producing graduates who cannot stand up to the international education standards. They are seduced by unrealistic promises and selfish gains, lured by teachers and professors who are in cahoots with politicians. One of their destructive activities is called the “Green New Deal”.
The Democratic Party offers:
Full employment, and if you dislike your job you depart and the government gives you another. You cannot be fired. This is done with the help of trade unions that have infiltrated the federal (and state) government became powerful through the expansion of the government.
Free health care.
Free tuition from pre-K through college. At this time, the Biden administration is providing & offering benefits to illegal immigrants (invaders) as well paying for their college education.
Affordable housing for all with rent control and inability to be evicted. This will fix “climate problems” and income inequalities, they promise.
New York's congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is a star in the Democratic Socialist agenda, as feeble minded as she is.
Our huge national debt is going to eventually burst like a Mexican Piñatas, collapsing our economy, ending our Republic in chaos and likening a Socialist Banana Republic like Venezuela. Karl Marx wrote about this political tool in his Communist Manifesto saying that the progressive income tax imposed by the government elite was a “despotic inroad on the rights of property requiring the Communist revolution.
Redistribution of wealth.
Aggressive policies using climate-change as a tool to promote fear and subsequently submission of the peasantry of American populace.
Complete takeover of health care by federal government including illegal immigrants (invaders who are pawns to be future voters of the Democratic Party).
No border walls, entrance requirements, disregarding the rule of law and providing full support for “sanctuary cities”; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros-funded anarchy to inserted into our immigration system.
Government control over corporate profits.
Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above. (It always is against the middle class).
Implementation of LGBTQ agenda – indoctrination of our children in public schools (controlled by teacher's union), gender reassignment surgery – disregarding conscience objections. Less than 1% of the population is controlling Americans.
Comprehensive gun control. An unending crusade to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Liberal-Activist judges in the federal system and packing the Supreme Court. Disavowing Constitutionalist judges in the federal court system and Supreme Court.
Support for radical feminist agenda and their march protests.
Increase censorship of conservative thought on social media and elsewhere, stymieing the voice of any opposition to their Marxist schemes.
Changing voting standards and regulations to improve their fraudulent election practices and disenfranchising honest votes.
Partnership and support of the Palestinian terrorists, while denouncing Palestine's object of terror – Israel.
Alignment with the United Nations and European Union globalists to promote “One World” globalism.
Euthanasia (assisted suicides).
Taxpayer-funded childcare and college tuition.
Elimination of the Electoral College.
Reestablishing Iranian “nuclear deal” as well as protecting Islamic rights in America and abroad at the peril of Israel.
As Larry Tomczak wrote Charisma News:
“The brutal reality is that the Democratic Party is not the one of even a generation ago. It has become radicalized; hostile to biblical values and religious freedoms; disrespectful to individuals and institutions; unashamed in using profanities and employing intimidation in the media and public square; increasingly irrational, lawless, dishonest, hypocritical, corrupt, and mean-spirited (remember the Brett Kavanaugh hearing?); and finally, flippant in dismissing “due process” and out two foundational societal pillars of the sanctity of human life alongside the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.”
We have witnessed our 46th President undergoing an administrative coup, Democrats accusing him of what they are guilty of, and evidence of election obstruction that has continued and culminated into an absurd series of charges that dares to indict a former POTUS while the 46th President has undoubtedly revealed that he is the oligarch of a crime family.
The Democratic Party has initiated a Civil War in our nation's history and now by dividing Americans again, is initiating another for the Marxist ideology of “divide and conquer”.
Our Constitution: Primer to Our Republic and Its Founders, Keith Allen Lehman
Democrats have screwed up everything – stop voting for them!, New York Post
How Decades of Democratic Rule Ruined Some of Our Finest Cities, Investors
The left's grand plan to destroy our country, Washington Times
Biden's Presidency Filled With Failure, Weakness, and Chaos, Steve Scalise Press Release
The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, et al.
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