Sunday, October 02, 2022


Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Germany to a middle-class family. At the age of 17 he enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the University of Bonn and then transferred to the University of Berlin. He died on March 14th, 1883. Marx believed that the revolutionary conflict by the working class would overthrow the capitalist class and seize control of the economy. Marxism is both a social and political theory and he produced a pamphlet in 1848 entitled The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which describes the necessity of correlation of class struggle and revolution. Marx also published in 1867 a book entitled Das Kapital.

The Communist Manifesto is divided into a preamble and four sections and ending in a short conclusion. The preamble begins with the words:

A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism”.

And ends with:

The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have the world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite.”

The first section of the Manifesto is “Bourgeois and Proletarians” which an analysis explaining the materialist conception of history:

...the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”

This struggle will end in a revolution that restructures society and the “common ruin of the contending classes.” The bourgeoisie constantly exploits the proletarians for its labor power, creating profit for themselves and accumulating capital.

The second section entitled “Proletarians and Communists”, states the relationship of conscious communists to the rest of the working class. The section defends communism that include claims that it advocates communal prostitution or “discentivises” people from working. It ends with a short demand that a progressive income tax be imposed (sound familiar); abolition of inheritances (we have a “death tax” that imposes an additional tax upon the estate of a deceased); abolition of child labor (this has been established by our constitutional government); free public education; nationalization of public transportation and communication (controlling travel and speech); centralization of credit via a national bank (this was unsuccessfully attempted by our government in the early Republic); expansion of publicly owned land (federal ownership of property in the name of preservation and “eminent domain”) - all of which is the implementation of a stateless and classless society.

The third section, “Socialist and Communist Literature”, distinguishes communism from other socialist doctrines of the time period.

The concluding section of the Manifesto, discusses the communist position on struggles in specific countries in the 19th century such as France, Switzerland, Poland and Germany, predicting a world revolution. It declares an alliance with the democratic socialists (sound familiar?) that supports communist revolutions and calling for a united action of “working men of all countries”.

Marxist Utopia
Socialism of different forms, “democratic socialism”, for example, invariably leads to communism, if it has not already been established by revolution. Socialism has aspects of communism in that it is a social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. Individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in a cooperative. Everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society becomes the collective. This principle puts socialism in opposition of capitalism and a free market. Socialists constantly complain that capitalism leads to unfair and exploitation of wealth and power in the hands of the few, which in turn provides the wealth and power to reinforce their dominance in society. This in effect describes the Democrat ruling elite. Some socialists think that everything except personal items like clothing should be public property in order to be fair. This concept was first brought forward by Sir Thomas More, an English humanist, in his Utopia in 1516. That term and concept has been adopted by Marxists based upon a fictional perfect society that can never exist.

Economic impact of Marxism via “democratic socialism” has historically been a failure. We can see this since 2020, where not just the United States but the world is experiencing a financial crisis not seen since the eve of the Great Depression.

China is the only communist nation that has prospered, but it has only happened with the help of other nations' appeasement and naivety. For example, China was allowed to become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) without addressing their human rights violations. If the populace of a nation becomes slave labor for the state, China would prosper by a vast trading and industrial complex. Another reason is China's vast population that can be used for its labor for the benefit of the CCP (state). And still another reason is that China has for decades stolen intellectual property, ignores international copyright, and has stolen military secrets to benefit their growth as an aggressive military complex.

In the United States, the first penetration by communist agents in our government began in the 1930s, a time when ironically European socialist trade unions became established in the United States despite the establishment of the Department of Labor in 1913, reluctantly by President William Howard Taft, hours before President Woodrow Wilson took office. Organized criminals (Mafia, the "Mob") saw an opportunity to gain power and wealth infiltrating the unions. 
Saul Alinsky was organizing socialism in Chicago, working with the trade unions and the mobsters. His book, Rules for Radicals, would inspire Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. While a Socialist, Alinsky was opposed to the far-Left concept of destroying capitalism. He jokingly dedicated his book to Satan whom he considered to be the first radical. Saul Alinsky, learned the craft of “organizing” among Chicago’s most notorious mobsters. 

American communists benefited from the election of President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) in 1933. It was FDR who opened diplomatic relations with Moscow and welcomed “progressives” into government. President Herbert Hoover and Herbert Armstrong warned FDR about Soviet conspiracies before FDR's inauguration that: a massive Soviet counterfeiting operation was threatening the U.S. dollar and an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government by mobilizing angry veterans through the “Bonus Army” movement. It has been established that FDR admired Mussolini

FDR ignored those warnings, who thought there was a legitimacy to communist (Marxist) ideology.

In 1938, a special House Committee on “Un-American Activities” was established under the chairmanship of Rep. Martin Dies (D-Texas) and began an investigation of communist involvement in American labor unions. Dies was summoned to the White House and told by FDR that he did not want any investigations of that kind.

Communist infiltration accelerated after the United States allied itself with Stalin in World War II, despite the warnings of Americans like Dies and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. FBI and congressional investigations showed that hundreds of Soviet agents and American Communist members worked for the U.S. government during the war. Pro-Soviet operatives rose to high positions. By 1939, communists established four “cells” inside our government. 

According to Hoover:

These Communist informers gained strategic positions in the armed services, in almost every civil department, on the staffs of some Congressional committees and even had access to the White House.”

In 1948, testimony of the communist infiltration had become public, but the U.S. government, Democrats, covered it up. Instead of expelling communist agents from government jobs, the Truman administration intended to prosecute whistle blowers like Whittaker Chambers.

Another whistle blower, Elizabeth Bentley, gave testimony to a grand jury over a period of several months that did not produce any indictment. This is happening today, as democratic-socialists are brought before investigative committees – but NEVER prosecuted, even for perjury. The Justice Department (DOJ) protected the Marxist subversives just as they are doing today.

Joseph McCarthy (R-WI), a crusader against communist infiltration from Washington DC to Hollywood, California would be made an example of anyone attempting to stand against the Washington “swamp”. This has been occurring against President Donald Trump since before his election in 2016.

FDR opened the door to communist subversion and it has remained a problem ever since, the Democrat Party adopting Marxism in their political platform. President Harry Truman called the investigation by Congress a “red herring”. President Dwight Eisenhower did not want the U.S. Army investigated because he the public would discover that his former deputy, General Walter Bedell Smith had become a suspect to be a Soviet agent while heading the CIA. Like Truman, Eisenhower hid the truth and ignored the warnings of J. Edgar Hoover.

President John F. Kennedy (JFK) and his brother Robert were anti-communist, standing up to Soviet aggression. President Lyndon B. Johnson waged war with Vietnamese Communists, but supported unions and Marxist infiltrators in the DNC. President Richard Nixon who hired Henry Kissinger who had been accused by a British double agent to be working for Soviet military intelligence was more interested in appeasing communists, especially China.

Once the communists established itself in our government, it was too late to fix the problem by parliamentary means.

To make matters worse, the media that is supposed to be the “watchdog” for the public has become what we see today. Democrat-Socialists (Marxists) have infiltrated all forms of the mainstream media.

The combination of a corrupt corporate media and the infiltration of Marxists in our educational system beginning in the 1960s in colleges and universities, has fooled Americans into believing their indoctrinated lies and deceptions.

In the 1960s, those who attempted to stand against Marxist infiltration, like Otto Otepka of the State Department, found themselves prosecuted by the same DOJ that tampered with a grand jury in the Amerasia case.

President Donald Trump has been under constant siege, even after he lost the 2020 election to the faux president Joe Biden. To understand why, we must understand the history of the communist subversion. The deep state is the communist fifth column and the communist fifth column is the deep state made up of democratic socialists whose agenda is to replace our constitutional republic with a Marxist government. It is why they did nothing about the Marxist organizations like Antifa and BLM. Indeed, that Marxist fifth column, the democrat-socialists, are joined by Islamic fundamental institutions that have infiltrated our nation in the form of organizations like CAIR. While our troops have been fighting against Islamic fundamentalists overseas since 2001, those subversive groups have operated and funded the very organizations our troops are fighting against.

Thus, it is imperative that we fix our broken education system and at the same time vote Democrat-Socialists out of office from federal to state to municipalities. And, since the 2020 election, ensure that our voting system is protected against ballot harvesting and other corrupt means to counter the people's legal votes. That means ridding our government of RINOs as well.

Video: Marxist Revolution in America by Trevor Loudon: 

Video: Trevor Loudon - World Economy and CCP ...

Trevor Loudon: U.S. Senate and CCP ...

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