Friday, July 22, 2022


  We have been told for about two decades that humans must change their ways, their habits, when it comes to “fossil” fuels (petroleum is NOT produced from ‘fossils’) or else our Earth will be scorched and die. Then when the predicted “scorching” did not occur - they changed the description from “global warming” to “global climate change”. That is what Marxists do - they change vocabulary, culture, society, academia to fit their agenda. 

Scientists who are affiliated to politics in order to retain their funding, politicians who see that a crisis (real or imagined) can be to their advantage, and activists who are too blind to see they are being manipulated by a false doctrine in order for the globalists who seek to control all of the above while establishing a “New World Order” where a central governing unit commands nations on Earth. And all of this has been employed by a dishonest media that has been infiltrated by indoctrinated Marxists and social engineers into our education system. Karl Marx, author of the “Communist Manifesto” knew this and more of how to first convince people and then control them, eventually controlling an entire nation that can be spread across the globe. 

It begins by the ruling class to indoctrinate the nation’s youth. 

The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions.” — Karl Marx

These aforementioned, whether it be because they greedily seek power and wealth or are just plain evil, maintain that they care about our planet and its inhabitants - while at the same time live in their ivory towers not knowing or caring about the peasants below their social “food” chain.

None of the following will be found in articles and archives of the mainstream (Marxist controlled) media. The Internet has been remarkable in establishing an academia network that can be accessed by anyone with the resolve to purse the truth and seek the facts of statistics and true scientific models based upon dedicated science and NOT consensus science, the latter being based upon the concept of “I told you so, that is all there needs to be told”.

If the aforementioned were honest, the climate alarmists would admit they are not working to prevent a disaster, but instead counter capitalism and establish a global Marxist welfare state where the people (peasants) are controlled by the ruling elite (globalist fiefdom). If you still think this is not so, I provide the words of the former United Nations “Climate Official” - Ottmar Edenhofer

One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole. ... We distribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy” — Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008-2015

A similar statement was made by Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, who stated in 2015 Paris Climate Summit:

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution. ... This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.” 

And what is the gist of that “plan”?

To allow Third World nations to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish “in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas” - while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations. This, in turn, chokes economic growth in developed nations. 

This fantastic concept is so insane that one professor suggested that we must plunge ourselves into economic depression to fight global warming. It sounds like something Al Gore or John Kerry would say or at least allude to. And thinking in the vein of common sense - any globalist, so-called scientist, or politician who tells you that climate can be altered or controlled is obviously up to something quite different than what they are presenting. 

In the book “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate” by Naomi Klein, sums up pretty much what this nonsense is all about. In the mind of Naomi Klein: “free-market capitalism has caused environmental wreckage.” 

The gist of their agenda is to frighten, intimidate and then assume command and control. And guess what? This is the prime plank in the platform of Karl Marx and is “Communist Manifesto”. 

The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.” — Karl Marx 

AND ...

Without the presence of class warfare, trade unions would be hard put to justify their existence.” — Karl Marx   

AND ...

We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” — Karl Marx  

AND ... 

Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.” — Karl Marx  

Our 45th President, Donald Trump, made an important and wise decision to remove the United States from the absurdity of the so-called Paris Accord. It prevented continuation of an expensive funding that was based upon a charade of falsely limiting climate change by shrinking our economy. President Trump’s plan for the environment was based upon common sense, the priorities being to achieve clean freshwater sources and our oceans as well as continue steps to keep the air clean. At the same time he boosted U.S. production of oil and natural gas, which in turn caused the United States to be energy self-sufficient to the point of becoming a world leader in petroleum export and at the same time ensuring that policies were in place to protect the environment. Mr. Trump could walk and chew gum at the same time. A far cry from the Obama administration whose EPA agency polluted a river in Colorado with toxic waste out of ignorance and political attitude. At the time, billionaire Tom Steyer and multi-billionaire Elon Musk proclaimed to “quit all the advisory groups” if Trump did not back down and pull out of that policy. Elon Musk as since changed his tune as well as his political advocacy. But as it turns out and proven, the Paris Agreement was and is a bad deal that could make matters worse for the economy of the Western world, especially the United States. Biden has already damaged our economy by completely reversing the successful policies and regulations established by the 45th President.

All in all, people are ignoring the fact (and the corrupt media is ensuring that they do not see the truth) that the general climate on Earth HAS increased in temperatures a bit because we are still leaving the effect so the Little Ice Age that occurred previously in Earth’s history. 

The proof that CO2 is “human produced” relies upon corrupted information and weak scientific investigation as well as relying upon mathematical models that do not consider past temperatures as well as Earth’s climate and geological history. All of this has become so absurd that climate change alarm activists have made a teenage activist from Sweden as their spokesperson at the UN and elsewhere and whose disrespect for authority and those older (and wiser) than herself has become her trademark. Yes, I am referring to Greta Thunberg, a spoiled child of wealthy parents who allowed her to stop her education in order to seek her pursuit of proclaiming a hoax. But I digress. The topic of progression is to be the presentation of how climate has altered throughout Earth’s long history. And so that is what I will discuss next. 

Approximately 4,567,000,000 years ago, our planet we call “Earth” was covered in molten lava. When Earth’s atmosphere became oxygenated about one billion years ago, it paved the advent of more complex life forms that existed as cyanobacteria previously - which helped to generate oxygen as it filled the formed oceans. It was then, 100 million years ago that dinosaurs, large animals, roamed the Earth. Then only 10 million years ago the age of mammals took the place of the extinct dinosaurs, being much smaller in stature than those huge beasts we call dinosaurs. And only 100,000 years ago, homo sapiens began to evolve ending up into what we are today. 

Universe Creation is described as the “Big Bang”, whether one believes it came about by divine invention or just happened. It created or brought about the universe and all its complexities and wonders and that includes our solar system that revolves around a star we call the “Sun” and the planets that rotate around it. The motion on Earth caused the phenomena of gravity, which was also part of the process of oxygen and water creation. 

In the period known as the Hadean Eon, Earth was being bombarded by asteroids and comets all over the globe. But Earth was not alone in this bombardment as evidence by telescopic observation other planets of our solar system shows the scars of impact of those foreign objects. Scientist believe that water became the product of those impacts and possibly began the process of chemical building blocks that we call DNA. It is an hypothesis that the formation of our moon that lights the night skies from the reflection of the Sun was created by a giant impact, where an object the size of Mars on a trajectory for impact on Earth, hit our planet with a glancing blow and gravity pulled the celestial object now the moon into orbit.
Since this grand event in the Hadean Eon, the moon has remained in orbit. That collision also produced the moon’s orbital effect upon the oceans in the form of tides as well as slowing Earth’s rotation from 6-hour days to 24-hour days. The collision of the moon also tilted the Earth’s axis, so that seasons began. By the time the Archean Eon period came around, Earth’s climate was becoming more stable. The Earth, from a molten state, began to cool and water vapor formed oceans. This also was the time the “supercontinent” appeared, for continents were not always separate as we see today. The cyanobacteria that was present converted sunlight to energy and in shallow water metabolized their own food and their waste was oxygen. Oxygen then was released from the water to the atmosphere. During this period, methane was more abundant in Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen then combined with methane and carbon dioxide was produced. Carbon dioxide reduces temperature (which the climate alarmists and global warming activists have ignored or just don’t know) - thus the entire planet of Earth FROZE. The Earth was in the Ice Age for the next 300 million years. 

It was when plants emerged that oxygen INCREASED while carbon dioxide DECREASED, due to their nature of consuming Co2 and producing oxygen, known as photosynthesis, but my generation was taught in basic biology. Something that the consensual science fools teaching our children ignore. If consensual science was heeded as those in our educational institutions teaching staff are pushing on America’s youth, we would still believe the Earth is flat and that the Sun revolved around the Earth. 

But I am getting ahead of myself.

As oxygen filled the atmosphere, Earth’s ozone layer became more thickened. Life forms existed before the ozone layer because water shielded the harmful radiation from the sun. Eventually the ozone layer (O3) became thick enough to allow to diversity and evolve and emerge upon the existing land. This was the Proterozoic Eon (Cambrian era “explosion”). During the Cambrian era, life exploded profusely beyond the Precambrian era. This is when invertebrates originated in the oceans and life diversified from that point. Next came the age of fish. Then the first vertebrate to venture on land appeared. Amphibians could swim in the water, but breathe the oxygenated air. 

In the Paleozoic Era, rainforests emerged with a profuse explosion of plant life whose species were much larger than what we see today. But also a major marine and terrestrial extinction began. Plants and swamps were buried, compacted and cooked by the heat of the plasma and underground coal deposits were formed. It also left behind vast deserts in the continent’s interior. 96% of all marine species of the time vanished and about 70% of terrestrial animals were wiped out. It is varied opinions that pinpoint the cause, but most agree that a major asteroid impact occurred that brought about such mass extinction as geological evidence shows. 

Earth’s climate then began to become hotter and drier, rainforests collapsed, but reptiles and some amphibians began to lay their eggs on land, eventually cutting their ties to the ocean. This was an ecological advantage for reptiles. 

It was then that after plant life became abundant in a large scale that dinosaurs evolved, some remaining cold-blooded while others became warm-blooded - all having scaly skin and hatching eggs. Some dinosaurs were herbivores while others were carnivores. For the next 160 million years dinosaurs evolved and dominated the landscape on Earth. Even the oceans had giant creatures. 

The Mesozoic Era, the Age of Conifers, spread the seeds of plants. Conifers, a species of trees, store huge amounts of carbon and because plants, especially trees produce oxygen, the O2 content of the atmosphere jumped 35%, compared to 21% today. So what does this tell you in common sense analogy? 

If we want more oxygen and less carbon dioxide - we need to maintain a certain amount of plant life. This is where the pollution factor comes in. If we would clean up our oceans and prevent further pollution, the oxygen producing life form, plankton would be saved. If we distributed more trees and other beneficial plant life on land, it would scrub the atmosphere, reduce the carbon dioxide and thus more oxygen in our atmosphere. That is what we should be focusing upon instead of the economic degeneration caused by globalists, politicians and ignorant activists that believe the hoax. 

Not just the benefits of oxygen was produced, but also plants provided (especially due to their size) shelter and a source of food for herbivore species. 

At this time, the Pangea, or supercontinent still existed. That means that dinosaurs lived on one continent and plate tectonics had not tore the supercontinent apart. This process is known as continental drift. This has been determined by paleontologists and geologists because they found the same fossils on different continents. 

So you see, throughout Earth’s history great changes have occurred and that process is never going to stop until our Sun, a star, burns out. 

What can we do to survive?

We can adapt, migrate as well as establish more prolific plant life, especially trees - even in our urban areas. This will allow nature’s air scrubbers to perform their job - taking in carbon dioxide and in turn giving us oxygen.

Dark Age - Medieval era
The gist of this essay is that the Earth has had periods of life and death, of adaptation and rebirth and that includes the life forms that developed died and left their descendants to continue. This applies to weather and climate as well. Just because humanity has evolved and adapted and has grown with technology doesn't mean that the process of Earth's history will stop. What is happening today, occurred in the medieval period of human history - when the accumulated knowledge and wisdom was ignored and suppressed to the point of stagnating progress. Such is the road we are traveling today through consensus science and that which the globalists and those they have indoctrinated have evolved into a return of the medieval period called the "Dark Age", so named because knowledge and wisdom of the past had been stymied by the ruling elite. And that is the gist of what is occurring today - using the fear of global possible global calamity they declare was caused by human "carbon footprint"; but in fact, it is in truth that we are not encouraging the proliferation of plant life that provides more oxygen by consuming carbon dioxide and naturally "scrubbing" the air we breathe. If we don't want to repeat the mistakes of human history, then we must dispel those that usher in its return and once again have educational and scientific institutions advance instead of being stagnate and repressive all in the name of accumulation of wealth and power by the few. 

The following is a visual history of Earth that is more detail than what I presented in this article/essay produced by National Geographic. Pay particular attention to the part of massive climate change caused by volcanoes and its volcanic ash ....


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