Friday, May 20, 2022



100-year celebration of communist China
In 2001, Communist China became a member of the WTO (World Trade Organization). Until the 1970s, China's economy was managed by the communist government. In the early 1980s China opened its economy to a number of regional agreements. Becoming a member of the WTO would validate its status as a world economic power.

In 2000, our Congress set out to vote for or against China's membership. After changing my MOS (Military Occupational Status) from Infantry to Executive Administration and obtaining a Top Secret clearance, I was subject in my various duties to access to certain classified material. While I had extensively studied the Soviet Union and its military strategies as an Infantryman (“Know Thy Enemy”) that included identification and knowledge of Russian aircraft, armor and armament – I had turned toward learning all there was to know about the Chinese Communists who had been more subtle in its world domination agenda.

I wrote to my Representative in Congress, John Linder of Georgia in a one-page reason not to allow Communist China to be a member of the WTO without insisting that they reform their political ideology. I had mustered out of the US Army in 1994. John Linder answered my letter with reasons why he thought the United States should seek China's membership, pointing out the success of the fall of the Soviet Union. I did not bother to write to my Georgia Senator because he did not respond to my inquiries and concerns about (provided documented evidence) the administration of the mysterious vaccines “A” and “B” administered during Operation Desert Shield before Operation Desert Storm took place in January of 1991. Only response I got from that RINO was a pamphlet addressing Gulf War ailments that was not approved by Congress until ten years later. That Senator was a disabled veteran who, like Senator John McCain, threw veterans under the bus on several occasions. But that is another story. 

Representative John Linder, I might add, had a leadership role in the committees for fundamental tax reform. His legislation, the Fair Tax Act of 2005 (H.R. 25) and the Fair Tax Act of 2008 (H.R. 25) propelled the movement to repeal the 16th Amendment and end income tax (and the IRS) to be replaced by a consumption tax that would be a flat tax that could only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote by Congress. That bill was ignored by members of Congress and still languishes in the administrative closet of Congress. But, again, that is another tale to tell.

After the 1997 Asian financial crisis, China sold off or merged “many unprofitable state-owned enterprises”.

By the middle of the 1980s, the United States had become China's third-largest trading partner and China became America's 14th largest. One can see a great imbalance there.

In 1992, President Clinton signed an executive order (#128590) that stipulated that China's trade status be linked with seven human rights conditions. Bill Clinton reversed this one year later in 1993.


When China joined the WTO, it agreed to considerably harsher conditions than other developing countries. After China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), its service sector was considerably liberalized and foreign investment was allowed; its restrictions on retail, wholesale and distribution ended. Banking, financial services, insurance and telecommunications in China were also opened up to foreign investment. Furthermore, China had to deal with certain concerns linked to transparency and intellectual property that the accession to WTO underlined.

The history of China's communist development coincides with the Marxism of Russia, strengthened by the Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945. Despite the United States unofficially and later officially siding with Mao-Communist China against the Imperial Japanese, China sent troops against the United States and NATO allies in the North and South Korea civil war that ended in a stalemate and the longest cease-fire in history.

As aforementioned, China had realized after the fall of the Soviet Union that they would have to revamp their economic posture and become a prime WTO trading nation in order to finance its growing military and extensive spying network that had been established.

Our executive administration leadership has underestimated the Communist Chinese agenda since the 1980s, despite receiving important intelligence from a Communist military defector during that time who had brought with him evidence of what the CCP (Communist Chinese Party) was planning, both in short-term and long-term. Because of my Top Secret clearance, I had become aware of that particular revelation. It might be noted that when retiring from the US Army I had signed a document that agreed to not relay anything for seven years after my muster date (1994).

John Ratcliffe, in a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, stated that “the People's Republic of China poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II.

When Mike Pompeo was Secretary of State, he told Newsmax: “...the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the greatest threat to security of the American people and indeed the free world.”

Republicans in the House Committee on Oversight and Reform sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting that he mount a serious investigation upon China's “use of spies or covert agents to infiltrate America's most sacred educational and governmental institutions.” But what is little known to the general public is that the Chinese have infiltrated earnestly since the Vietnam War starting with incitement of anti-war protests in coalition to the “Hippie” movement who was against the “establishment” of the United States and later would become professors and educational administrators and part of the “establishment” they once protested.

Our national leadership tends to let an issue become an increasing problem before there is an opportunity to “nip the problem in the bud” before it becomes serious.

Thus, the Chinese through extensive trading and false pact agreements have undermined out national and intellectual security for decades.

House Republicans, being the minority, wrote to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to remove Representative Eric Stalwell (D-CA) from the House Committee on Intelligence because he not only withheld information from the committee but had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy.

Since the 1980s, the CCP has gotten bolder in their infiltration enterprise and now mimics what the Imperial Japanese were doing in the Pacific Theater of operations in WW2. Indeed their military might grew leaps and bounds during the Clinton administration and has steadily grown financed with their economic power via the WTO and their extensive infiltration and stealing technology and intellectual property. They do not recognize international copyright as well. The infiltration accounts for the growing Marxist indoctrination, first in our universities and colleges, and now across the entire education system. To emphasize the CCP's infiltration in our ruling class, the Vice Dean of International Relations at Renmin University (Beijing) Di Dongsheng actually boasted in a lecture that the CCP has people “at the top of America's core inner circle of power and influence … and for the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States.” Di also implied that Hunter Biden was compromised by the CCP, of which currently (and after a long time) is being investigated (supposedly) by the Department of Justice for his dealings with China.

It was discovered that ten consulates in Shanghai contain members of the CCP that include three employees of the U.S. consulate, a senior official in the British consulate, and one employee of the Australian consulate.

CCP members are working in U.S. defense supply chains in China, according to a leaked database. That includes 516 CCP members who work for Qualcomm, Boeing, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Thales.

The CCP has been undermining our national defenses in our homeland. Chinese national and former Raytheon engineer was sentenced to 38 months in prison for exporting defense-related technology to China. A Chinese national pleaded guilty and will face 15 years of imprisonment for trying to export maritime raiding craft and engines to China. A former CIA officer was arrested and charged with spying for China.

The CCP has infiltrated Western companies. The same leaked database revealed that 123 CCP members in Pfizer and AstraZeneca and in 600 British banks. You should recognize that Pfizer was one of the three pharmaceuticals that “developed” the COVID vaccine, a pandemic initiated in the CCP Wuhan Laboratory that the United States government has been funding. The CCP and China has yet to be held accountable.

As aforementioned, our education system has been corrupted by infiltrated CCP and complying political and academic entities partly because American colleges and universities have accepted Chinese Communist Party funds. According to the U.S. Department of Education, education institutions have accepted about $1.3 billion from China since 2013. Columbia University accepted $1 million to set up a Confucius Institute. The university failed to disclose this. In addition to Confucius Institutes, various cultural exchange programs also serve to fill American minds with CCP propaganda.

The CCP through the education system and “Sister City” program has infiltrated our elementary, middle and high schools as reported by the Gatestone Institute. Meant to be a “cultural exchange” - the CCP has used it as a conduit to infiltrate and subvert. It has become so extensive that 4th graders were “pen pals” with CCP leader and China President Xi Jinping. Other infiltration of our intellectual infrastructure comes in the form of educational and government research. A Chinese researcher plead guilty for stealing information from the Children's Hospital Research Institute, to name only one incident.

Our leadership has ignored or tossed aside these issues until the problem has become as extensive as it has become today. While spies are being caught, there are many who are not.

This problem has not been properly addressed because of fear of Chinese power and/or corrupted and inept diplomacy and national security obligations.

We the People must first ensure that responsible and constitutional politicians are elected. Secondly, We the People must insist that the CCP be treated and addressed as a hostile entity and not bow to their sword rattling and threats of economic disaster (which they are doing behind the scenes anyway).

The United States must continue to support Hong Kong's plight from CCP domination. If Trump was still president, H.R. 8428 (People's Freedom and Choice Act) which passed the House in 2020 and remains in limbo. The bill was intended, in part, to address the arrest of Hong Kong's media tycoon Jimmy Lai.

In addition, We the People must demand that the Confucius schools be closed. This was addressed by the Confucius Act – S. 939 still being held by the House controlled by Pelosi.

Along with reforming the “Sister City” program our education system needs complete revamping starting with firing Marxist teachers, professors and administrators and replacing them with qualified teaching staff whose purpose is not to indoctrinate but teach America's youth to think, not comply with consensus as well as be knowledgeable as to why our constitutional republic (as the Founders intended) is better than any other government system devised in human history.

The biggest asset for the CCP was when Joe Biden won the 2000 Election and our 45th President was not afforded the opportunity to continue to address this CCP problem. But that fraudulent election is for another article.


China has already infiltrated America’s institutions 

The Communist Infiltration of America Was Prophesied

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