Saturday, February 05, 2022


What made America a great nation? 

It is a question of a myriad of answers, but rests upon the foundation established by whom we call the “Founders”. But it also has much to do with We the People:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. [Preamble to the United States Constitution]

It is a question that also presents another question: 

What happened to our Republic and the People who have allowed American Marxists to become so powerful that the present government is so corrupt and eager to see our Republic fall and Marxism take over? 

America's first seven presidents were neither Democrats nor Republicans. First president George Washington, who detested the very idea of partisan politics, belonged to no party.

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government." — George Washington (1796)

Of course, the gist of our nation’s greatness resides in the unique and wise choice of what type of government the Founders chose, its 7 articles and 27 amendments that began with “We the People”, which simply describes that our nation was founded as a REPUBLIC (not a democracy) because the main characters who made up the Founders were schooled in classic education and importantly, knew history and its mistakes. 

The ancient Greeks established democracy, and indeed it was a concept better than what had been previously. But they soon learned that it was a government ruled by the mob, which led to oligarchy and monarchy. Yes, the people voted, but it was the majority that ruled under the tutelage of its leadership. So, thus wrote several Founders that our nation could not be a democracy other than the fact that all citizens have the liberty to vote as they choose, hopefully wisely. Our Second Amendment was created using Switzerland as a model who had, and still does, a civilian militia and a small standing military. Citizens there at a certain age are provided basic training at a military facility and then return home with their weapons and equipment as citizen militia to be called into service in case needed to defend their nation.

Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” — John Adams 

Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.” —  John Adams, An Essay on Man’s Lust for Power, 1763

They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men.” — John Adams (1775) 

"The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived."  — John Quincy Adams    

"We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy... It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity." — Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers  

A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction,” Ames thundered. “These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.” — Fisher Ames, 1788 

Thus one can see that our nation’s government was never meant to be a “democracy” that people have been indoctrinated to believe, a lie & misconception promoted by the political entity that took the name “Democrats” or “Democratic Party”, and since the present Democrat-Socialists began systematically subverting our education system, new generations may not know any of this because text books have been written to accommodate the Democrat-Socialist initiative/agenda. In the ‘60s, because of subversive individuals and elements from foreign communist entities, the infiltration of our education system began at college and university level. As students graduated and became teachers and professors - they spread their indoctrination agenda which grew into the calamity of what we see today. Even notable TV media personalities who strive to reveal the truth, like Sean Hannity at FOX News constantly uses the term "democracy", when in fact the Founders intentionally intended our government to be a REPUBLIC. They are just kowtow to the Democrat-Socialists who have tried to turn our Republic into a Democracy since Andrew Jackson. The following video explains it:

The Democratic Party USA was founded in 1828 as an outgrowth of the Anti-Federalist Party, a total of 16 Democrats have been elected president of the United States.

And to verify that it was a Republic, Benjamin Franklin conveyed that decision when a lady asked Dr. Franklin, ‘Well, Doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy?’ ‘A republic,’ replied the Doctor, ‘if you can keep it.’ 

Benjamin Franklin, being a pessimist, knowing the general human nature and practical also stated:

When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” 

Thus we became a nation established as “rule of law” rather than “mob rule” [Mobocracy].

It is the best government system EVER devised in human history. But if you talk to too many that make up America’s youth, they will deny it and then spew what they were told as students - “The USA is a racist nation” [Marxist Media - Daily Kos] and the “Founders were old men who promoted slavery, thus our nation was based upon racism.” It is why America’s youth are defacing and tearing down statues of Americans who became renown in our history. The most insane reason I have heard to date is that Abraham Lincoln was a racist, so his image must be removed from public view. These American Marxists want to destroy the memory of those who fought (on both sides) in the terrible mistake called the American Civil War. Ironically, those people claim to be Democrats and support that entity of corruption and who were the very organization that not only refused to end slavery, but began a Civil War over the “right” to own slaves. It is the same political entity that created the infamous KKK (and later the “Black Panthers”. It is the same political party that created the Jim Crow laws and today are accusing true Republicans of reestablishing those laws because they want to pass legislation that will protect our votes from fraud like ballot harvesting, voting more than once, and non-citizen invaders being allowed to vote. Indeed, the only reason why President LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act was to establish an African American (“Black”) voting base that he said would last 200 years as Democrat African Americans would be returned, as Star Parker stated in her book, to the plantation with invisible chains devised by the Democrat-Socialists whose mentor was the likes of Saul Alinsky (Communist, social organizer tied to the Mob) that Barack Obama as president carried around constantly read for inspiration.  

Secondly, what made America great after our nation was established as a Republic under rule of law, was westward expansion beginning with President Thomas Jefferson and continued with President James Monroe’s tenure and after the Civil War ended. 

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President

Thomas Jefferson negotiated with France to purchase the Louisiana Territory for $15 million - a vast expanse of land (820,000 square miles) of land west of the Mississippi River. This expansion promoted settlers to move further west all the way to the West Coast, where California and Oregon was considered the American “Promised Land”. There were hardships, but credit is due to those pioneers of all sorts of people, including immigrants coming from Ireland and European nations like Germany (then Prussia). 

French married Native women, adopted by tribe

It was the French who first established westward immigration in the Great Lakes region and moving westward toward the mountains, where they became trappers and owners of trading posts. Today, for example, the descendants of those Frenchmen who married native American women still retain their French surnames in the Great Lakes region, especially noted in the state of Wisconsin in places like the Door Peninsula where Scandinavian and German immigrants saw advantage of Lake Michigan as a great source for fishing trade.

Sioux Chiefs, Great Plains Tribe

With this great western expansion by the hardy pioneers, mountain men and ranchers came a price. That price was paid by the native Americans whose tribes were mostly nomadic, having spring and summer camps and moving when fall came to prepare for winter, specifically on the Great Plains. The cultural differences clashed and it didn’t help that too many Americans looked upon “Indians” (another mistake created by Christopher Columbus who thought what he found was India) as inferior. Navajo has little problems with these expanding invaders because they had established a colony, instead of being nomadic, they became agriculturalists and ranchers of sort. 

So you see, along with the development of greatness of our nation, there was travesty, wrongful impressions upon society, and other negative factors established and finally dispelled. We made mistakes and corrections were made, such as establishing an amendment to end slavery, women's right to vote [all legal citizens], etc.


After the Civil War, for various reasons, mostly that their homes in the South had been demolished, their land taken over by “Carpetbaggers” and opportunity to make their lives better - people began to move into the territories that would later become states. 


Third reason for America’s greatness was its vast natural resources, which the Pioneers moving westward took advantage of. The Great Plains became great farming areas and plenty of grass for cattle as restaurants and families in the East demanded beef. Before a railroad system was developed that stretched from coast to coast, ranchers established a cattle drive system to get their cattle to places like Abilene and Kansas City then by train to Chicago and St. Louis and then eastward to the Atlantic Coast where our nation was established. 

In the great forests of the West, beyond the formidable Rocky Mountains, great forests in Oregon established the requirement for lumberjacks. Later they would realize that if they did not manage the land and constantly replant those cleared forests, the landscape would become treeless like it did in the Mediterranean in the medieval period, lumber used to build great armada of ships. 

More resources were discovered and utilized - copper, silver and gold mines were established as pioneers expanded westward in places like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. 

Oil Derrick

As early as 1859, it was found that a black substance that sometimes bubbled from the ground could be useful, like producing kerosene - the substance being named “petroleum”. The first oil company was not established in Texas or any other western state, but in Pennsylvania with the founding of the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company and along with the Seneca Oil Company in New Haven, Connecticut, the first commercial oil wells were drilled. Later Texas and then Alaska would be a major oil producing state. Today that list is expanded to North and South Dakota and some in other western states.

And finally, the gist of what made America great was its people, NOT the government as President Trump has pointed out numerous times.

The foundation of American “exceptionalism” is because of immigrants who came here (legally) in order to establish themselves and seek the “American Dream” and bring great minds who invented, ran family businesses and established a “Melting Pot” of people that would make the United States to become a great bustling nation full of opportunity. Government over the years began to expand itself, and in so doing did more harm than good. 

Today, the broken education system has taken away that greatness and that corrupted education system has produced citizens that are self-centered, mentally and morally weak. The Founders and hardy Pioneers would be in shock to what they see. We the People must ensure that the study and understanding of our Constitution must be reinstated in all schools, at all grade levels especially high schools, colleges, and universities. Constitution 101 should be appointed a required course.


I hear people blame this depredation to establishment of technical innovations and corrupt politicians. But they fail to realize that the gist of the blame goes to We the People - because those corrupt and inept politicians would not be in control of our government if We the People did not elect them. We the People also failed in letting the corruption of Marxism, established by the Democrats (remember what Founders said about democracy) and perpetuated the degrading of our culture, our society and the very fiber that makes any nation a successful civilization - a strong and unified family unit with a desire to make their community work for everyone. Marxist teachers and administrators have “dumbed down” America’s youth to the point that their reading capability is relegated to established cultural language that does not promote wisdom and certainly ignores knowledge - only relying upon the misinformation provided by the Marxist establishment. 

As the Founders and our 4th Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Marshall stated:

The foundation of American exceptionalism, or what made America great in the first place, is that our government was constituted through a written rule of law over government itself.”

This is the gist of what distinguishes the United States from all other nations, because it not only grants the government its powers, but defines, separates, balances, and limits them as well. It is all in the Constitution and that is what needs to be returned to the curriculum of our education system, in all schools, all colleges, and all universities as a require subject - at a minimum of Constitution 101. If Americans do not understand the Constitution or know it and why it was created - How can they protect and preserve it? How can they vote responsibly and ensure that those operating OUR government for US are not violating constitutional law? The Constitution is the “law of the land” - it states so in the Constitution. So how can any state government be allowed to undermine it, like states presently doing so against the First and Second Amendment that is the gist of the other amendments and established individual rights and liberties?

Fellow Americans, We the People need to recover from apathetic slumber and the attitude that politics does not concern us - because it does. There are politicians, once considered “statesmen” who have the power to control us from cradle to grave (and beyond with the “Death Tax” that still has not been repealed despite promises). That is what communists and socialists do - not a people whose ancestors established a constitutional republic. 

In a final note of this treatise (essay), I would like to add and mention that our Statue of Liberty, generously given to our nation that stands on our shores off New York City, New York standing on Liberty Island in New York Harbor (an original colony-turned-state that has become socialist and totalitarian named after the historical British city of York) has become a large beacon welcoming immigrants with her lit torch designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and metal framework built by Gustave Eiffel (same person who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France) dedicated on October 28, 1886. 

Can one imagine the emotion of immigrants peering over the sides of ships entering the harbor to see that grand old lady welcoming them? 

Ellis Island
Immigrants disembarked (12 million) those ships to Ellis Island, established in 1892 (for a more orderly and responsible recording of immigrants entering) to work and live in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”. Ellis Island was no longer used after 1954, mostly because of the prolific air travel. Instead passports began to be required and visa system established for people just visiting as tourists, or working temporarily or seeking to be established as legal immigrants to work their way to citizenship. It is why the immigrant system was established and because it was a lesson learned before and during the Civil War. Before that, people swarmed into our nation at New York City, New Orleans and some in San Francisco on the Pacific Coast. They came in such numbers, especially during the Potato Famine (Or called Great Famine) in Ireland. So many came and with little money in their pockets, expecting to get work, but there were too many to be employed. There were more people than jobs. This caused a real problem in urban areas and crime escalated because those starving got desperate and the rest is history.

That history is ignored by the likes of Democrats in our government and the present Biden administration who cry that our borders should remain open for the sake of humanity. But the real truth is as corrupt as the Democrat political entity has become in its Marxist agenda - illegal immigrants (“invaders” considering the numbers today) are potential Democrat voters. In their ignorance, they are supporting a political entity they escaped from, as the following video points out:

Since the first Democrat president, Andrew Jackson, took office - that political entity has continued its corruption in various degrees and spurts of power. Not that the Republicans have a perfect record either. Remember that GW Bush established the Department of Homeland Security and signed the “Patriot” Act. Richard Nixon got caught trying to destroy tapes that proved that certain Republicans had broken into Democrat HQ to obtain records to use against them in the national election. This became known as the infamous “Watergate” scandal. But all in all, the Republican political party cannot hold a candle to the long history of corruption in all areas of civil, moral, cultural and society. They have polluted minds of America’s youth by infiltrating and subverting our education system. They established a “Deep State” government that is getting harder and harder to reform and retain the constitutional law that states that government will be LIMITED.

So you might want to point out to the person you hear who complains about how corrupt and controlling our government is - the politicians operating it; because the gist of the problem is We the People who have been apathetic, refusing to get involved in the politics that has an impact upon our lives, and are ignorant because they are too lazy or refuse to seek the truth - fighting against the corrupt media that has become a propaganda machine for the democratic socialists. 

We the People are responsible for protecting and preserving our Constitution and our Republic. Yes, OURS. The Constitution was written not to limit the people, but to limit the government. 

If you do not know who your representative and senator is in Congress - YOU are part of the problem.

If you believe the lies and misinformation that the Marxist Media dishes out - YOU are part of the problem.

If you do not see how the education system has become manipulative instead of teaching what students must know and indoctrinating them through social engineering by teaching staff and administrators - YOU are part of the problem.

If you vote (or don’t vote) responsibly and choose carefully those who will have an impact upon your way of life, your livelihood and family - YOU are the problem. Remember: Words DO matter. Ensure that actions match their words (candidate for election or reelection) when selecting. Senator Ted Cruz, for example, his words always match his actions. He is one of the busiest members of Congress, constantly looking to safeguard our Constitution, looking out for fellow Americans, and standing as an obstacle against the growing Marxism in our government.

If you do not demand a fraud-free election so your vote will count - YOU are the problem. 

You get the idea. 

Let’s, as our 45th President of the United States has stated repeatedly and was the campaign slogan of 2016 - Make America Great AGAIN!

Bless our nation and the citizens in it and those who honestly want to be an American and strive to make their own “American Dream”. 

For further studies of the Constitution and important documents like the Federalist Papers, check out my book at Amazon. And my other published works

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