Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Random Thought: "Islamophobia"

Reason why the Progressive American Dictionary is so thick is they make up so many words in order to emphasize their Marxist political ideology.


Fear, hatred, or mistrust of Muslims or of Islam.
 If Islam is "peaceful" where are the outraged Muslims concerning Europe being overrun, bullied, raped and victims of violence because they are not Muslims?

I and fellow veterans who have participated and presently fighting against Islamic fascists do not suffer from "Islamophobia" - we know what they are capable of and not afraid to stand against them. Meanwhile those we are fighting against are allowed to invade our homeland with same intentions as those in Europe instead of accepting Christians who are true refugees being persecuted, sold into slavery, and murdered by those Progressives protect and support. Whereas, the Progressive element in America expect us to be tolerant of an intolerant people whose leaders in the guise of clerics preach hatred and violence toward anyone who does not follow their 7th century theocracy. Freedom of religion was not written to be that way. 
People, specifically government leadership, who are afraid to identify them as they are - Islamic fascists - instead of terrorists are the ones who are "Islamophobic".
Progressives use words like "Islamophobia" and "Islamophobic" to intimidate people who know just what is going on. They do the same thing with the word "racist" when it comes to being against illegal invaders. They are invaders because of the numbers who cross our border illegally and Progressives do not recognize they broke our immigration law doing so even if they honestly come here to seek a better life and assimilate as an American. Therefore they are criminals before they settle in to perform any other criminal action. 
The enemy is referred to as "Islamic fascists" because of their actions, not that they are Muslims. 
And face reality, it is a special kind of stupid on the part of our government and Progressives in our society who are using our educational system as their indoctrination centers, to send troops to fight an enemy they allow in as false "refugees" who, like in Europe, have no intention of assimilating and becoming a loyal American. They are the same element our troops are fighting. Since Bush was president, Islamic cells and paramilitary compounds have been discovered but are still operating as well as organizations like CAIR that is clearly funded by the element out to destroy us.
Progressives ignore history of Marxism while they instruct our youth that it is better than the constitutional republic the Founders so wisely and carefully put together. Indeed, I would like to see such wisdom in our Congress, judiciary and executive branch of government. 
As for me, I am not "Islamophobic", I have retained common sense and reasoning, and defy anyone who thinks that our constitutional republic (NOT a democracy) is not the best form of government ever devised in human history - better than Marxism. 
I stand by fellow Americans of the same thoughts and patriotism and anyone in our government of the same and that includes our president, Mr. Trump and members of Congress like Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Trey Gowdy.  We must be as strong against Progressives as our president is against a bias mainstream media whose sole purpose is to embarrass and obstruct our president.

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