Thursday, September 22, 2016

Weapons of Choice: Ruger SP101 Revolver

  For those who like "wheel" guns, the Ruger SP101 double-action revolver has been around for awhile and popular. Ruger upgraded it and re-introduced the .327 Federal Magnum cartridge [Model #5773] for this popular revolver that is available in .22 LR, .38 Special, .357 Magnum and now .327 Magnum. Also new is its recoil-reducing grip in with checkered and engraved walnut inserts. It still comes in stainless steel. The .327 Magnum and .22 LR comes with fiber optic adjustable rear sight. The .357 Magnum lineup of 2.25” and 3.06 barrels come with a black ramp front sight with fixed rear sight; and a 4.20” barrel with fiber optic front and adjustable rear sights. 
MSRP runs from $679 to $719, depending upon which model you purchase. (Model #5773, #5765, #5718, #5719, #5720, #5771, and #5737)

New Ruger SP101 Model #5773 - .327 Magnum
  My choice in the SP101 lineup is Model #5771, .357 Magnum (will also shoot .38 Special for less expensive target shooting), fiber optic front sight, adjustable rear sight, stainless steel with 4.20” barrel; although I believe Model #5773 in .327 Magnum might become a popular choice. Both are 5-chamber cylinders.
Ruger SP101 Model #5771 - .357 Magnum
  All have a 5-chamber cylinder except for Model #5773, .327 Fed Mag with a 6-chamber cylinder and Model #5765 in .22 Lr with fiber optic front sight, adjustable rear sight, and 4.20” barrel with 8-chamber cylinder. [MSRP = $719]
Models #5718, #5719, #5720, and #5737 have black ramp front sight and fixed rear sight.
The following review and firing range test was produced by GunBlast
  It is a great rucksack or Bug-Out survival pack firearm and in .357 Magnum can be used for survival hunting or a handgun to back up your hunting rifle or for home defense or just to keep weight down trekking with a rucksack. Its ability to fire .38 Special is a cost saving feature on the firing range. As I have stated previously several times, you can use .38 Special for firearms chambered for .357 Magnum – but NEVER .357 ammo in firearms chambered for .38 Special.
It's a relatively inexpensive quality firearm for self-defense or to take out in the wilderness for protection and survival hunting.
In the lineup of revolvers, it is among my top choices. It has less ammo capacity as the semi-auto, but if you cannot bring down a predator with five large caliber rounds - you need to practice more at the range and take a self-defense course. The cylinder has three lock points in the frame: front, rear and bottom. That makes for a more positive alignment and dependable action. The Ruger transfer-bar safety prevents accidental discharge if the handgun is dropped.
Revolvers make great survival handguns because they have less parts to mess up and are dependable. Speed loaders are available for quick reloads. 

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