Sunday, May 11, 2014

On the First Amendment, An Essay of Common Sense

  A Madison County school board voted unanimously to alter a monument at the entrance of a Georgia high school football stadium in order to remove biblical scripture. The monument was erected in August and two different groups sent letters to the school stating that the monument violates the separation of church and state, demanding it be removed.
There were two references to scriptures:
Romans 8:31: If God be for us, who can be against us?

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

  After the motion of a board member, Robert Hooper, was made, the board voted to either remove it or cover it up. Soon after the vote was announced, 150 people showed up in protest.
  The words “separation of church and state” are NOT in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, but taken from a letter in correspondence from Thomas Jefferson to a clergy ministry, Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut. But that makes no difference to atheists and those who believe they have to appease them, despite the First Amendment protecting those liberties. Progressives socialists choose to add or delete from the text of the Constitution as they feel fit. The First Amendment text:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
  The progressives agree that the majority shall rule. Atheists are NOT a majority, I am sure, in the community of that Madison county, Georgia high school. The school board allowed the monument to be erected, but caved in to a political group to remove it that is a minority. The decision was upon the community, not the school board. Every one of those on the school board should be fired. The school board meeting lasted about two hours, a closed session, and one speaker stated:
It seems as if these groups [atheists] are here as haters, willing to spend millions to remove God from our society, which means they are antichrists by definition – they must have hatred in their hearts to fight so hard to remove him from this small object that was placed for others to enjoy.
By no means is this an isolated incident.
  Two Christian ministers, who own an Idaho wedding chapel, were told they had to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time, up to $1000 fine. It is because the chapel is listed as a for-profit business, not as a church or place of worship. The chapel is the Hitching Post Wedding Chapel. City attorney, Warren Wilson made a statement that any wedding chapel that turns away a gay couple would in theory be violating the law.
  What law? Certainly NOT any constitutional law.
  Property rights were important to the American colonial patriots who fought to remove tyranny from their adopted homeland. It was important to protect that and other rights - putting into writing after the articles of the Constitution was decided upon. Property rights was one of the first liberties to fall by the way as time progressed and our nation grew. Today we can see the result of not adhering to constitutional law and ignoring liberties by those who insist that the US Constitution is outdated. If freedom of choice, property rights, and the right for a community to erect a monument with religious words of proverbs no longer applies, how can the rest of the Constitution ever be acknowledged?
  Mayor Annise Parker and her city lawyers, subpoenaed five local pastors and demanded their sermons. The mayor is the first lesbian to be elected in Texas. Her lawyers obviously missed the class concerning the articles and amendments of the US Constitution in law school. Preachers have a right under the same amendment that protects religion to speak out against homosexuality and government has no right dictating what pastors and priests say in their sermons unless it promotes acts of violence. We can blame the legislation of the Ted Kennedy hate crime rhetoric for part of this problem. Laws should never be made against what people think, only for their actions.
  Any elected official that votes for such anti-constitutional legislation should be removed from office at the earliest opportunity by the voters, citizens who have the duty to protect the Constitution just as much as the public officials who swear an oath to do so.
If atheists do not like what they see written on monuments and other publicly erected things – don't read or look at it.
  If homosexuals are turned away from a wedding chapel because that chapel's doctrine dictates  same-sex marriage is wrong – go somewhere else to get married. If a baker turns down request for a homosexual wedding cake, go somewhere else.
Solution to many problems can be solved just be using common sense.
  In the United States, common sense is becoming extinct, just as the wisdom of the Founders who created the Constitution and its amendments of the United States.
Common sense is no longer applied by the majority of those holding public office in our government, either elected or employed by those elected.
  It is long past the time for We the People to take back the control of the government, away from the hands of a minority who cares nothing for the rights and liberties of others – only their own ideology and twisted agenda.
  I do not like the character of BH Obama and his associates, and I voted against him and them; however, the majority vote and the Electoral College system put him in the office of the President of the United States TWICE. I must accept that despite there being a clear indication that a person with dual nationality cannot hold that office legally. It is because the majority voters (and those who cheated) were in favor of putting that person in the White House. I can protest, but I must accept that; just as military personnel are obligated to obey orders of the President of the United States, no matter how they personally feel about him. That common sense ideology applies to atheists constantly harassing those who believe in something. 
  As far as Islamic Jihadists - no religion can be tolerated that commits violent acts in the name of that religion against all who are not part of that religion. Islam is influenced by Sharia law, which certainly is a government (civic) institution that insists upon a theocracy - clearly against the First Amendment of the US Constitution.  Yet, progressives in the United States insist upon catering to Islam while persecuting Christians in various ways. We the People are not required to be tolerant toward a religion that is intolerant, especially when that intolerant doctrine is dictated by hate and violence.
  The argument over same-sex marriage is not hinged upon the federal, central government, but the individual state governments - where marriage laws are enacted. In addition, the sanctity of marriage, in the gist of the argument falls upon religious doctrine, except in the case of non-denominational wedding chapels. Therefore, the final determination of what marriage is stands with the People and religious doctrine.
  Frankly, if the 16th Amendment (that should never have passed) is repealed; most of the hullabaloo about same-sex marriage will die down. It is because the unfair income tax system provides tax shelter for married couples that single citizens are not allowed. Those that operate our government do not, as the Founders, use logic when drafting and passing bills into legislation. They do not look at it from outside the box or perform research as to the immediate and long-term effect. In other words, they do not do what they are paid to do. Too many politicians gauge their success by how many bills they write and approve instead of priding themselves of quality bills. It is not the quantity but the quality that ultimately counts.
  Over the decades, our Constitution has been ignored and those the People counted on to operate our government have ignored constitutional limitations. They have gotten away with it because the People have been apathetic, look upon "politics" as distasteful and not worth their time, laziness in keeping track of those they send to Congress and the White House, vote for populists instead of constitutionalists, and vote for populist candidates that promise "free" stuff not realizing that it always comes with a price.

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