Wednesday, December 16, 2020

It is Time for a Constitutional Confederation of States - Mark Alexander & Allen West

Mark Alexander of the Patriot Post has written an essay that We the People should take note as well as members of Congress that are constitutionalists like Senator Ted Cruz. I have transcribed Alexander's essay here and hope people will familiarize themselves to the conception of a Constitutional Confederation of States that has been proposed by Mark Alexander & Allen West (Texas) before - and is an element of protection of our Constitution and Republic the Founders so meticulously and wisely created. Please take the time to read it .....

Christmas Turkey, English Style - Gordon Ramsay

Tradition in England and the UK states for Christmas dinner has been the goose. Depicted in the Christmas tale entitled A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens with main character Ebenezer Scrooge, the Christmas goose was a must have main dish. Americans have been serving turkey on holidays, especially Thanksgiving, since the 1600s when North America was colonized by the English. But England after bringing turkeys from America began to breed them.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

History of the Winter Festival and Christmas

The United States, as a young nation, gathered traditions from the Old World, especially from Mother England and the United Kingdom. As a colony, British, Dutch and German traditions were intertwined in many colonial American communities, Christmas tradition is no exception.
In the British Isles, before Christianity became established, as in Rome and Constantinople. the trappings and basic festivity of what became the Twelve Days of Christmas it was the celebration of the Winter Solstice, a Celtic tradition complete with yule logs, holly, and other decorations and festivities. The modern tradition of a Christmas tree comes from Germany, Tannebaum

Saturday, December 12, 2020


 Our 45th President, Donald Trump, did not mandate or agree to any legislation for mandatory wearing of masks or shutting down businesses. That was the doing of Democrat governors and mayors. Instead, President Trump worked on a fast-track to a cure via COVID vaccine.

 If Biden becomes the 46th president, he has already proclaimed a national 100-day mandatory wearing of masks and harassment of businesses nationally. This especially will further affect small businesses that you see in your communities. He also stated he would raise taxes - opposite of the Trump tax cuts.

 The "October Surprise" that usually occurs just before a national election was the confiscation of Hunter Biden's computer drive by the FBI. In addition, evidence showed to include a video of Joe Biden admitting he blackmailed Ukraine government into stopping an investigation of the company that his son worked for.