Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mainstream Marxist Media - "Enemy of the People"

I refer to an episode with an American Asian reporter who stated our President answer to her question was directed to her personally. He had only spoken the truth - China caused this pandemic, medically and politically. Here is the video clip of the incident:

Friday, May 01, 2020

Immigration System is Established For Good Reasons

Thousands of years ago, the first immigrants to North America, now United States and Canada as well as Central and South America were people who walked across what is today the Bering Strait in Alaska. These people became Native Americans, settling in the interior and the East and West coastlines of North America. These people thousands of years later were contacted by first Vikings on the northeast coastline and then later by Europeans making up Spanish, French, Dutch and English settlers and traders. The Spanish originally were more prolific in their exploration with settlements established in what is now Florida and California.