Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Treatise Concerning Our Fight Against Islamic Facism

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke 1729-1797, Irish Philosopher & Statesman
First before beginning this examination one must accept that the fight is against Islamic fascism and Islamic Theocracy. Since GW Bush was president it has been known as the War On Terrorism, which is not correct because terrorism is a form of violent action and "terrorists" is not the descriptive of those the free world is fighting against despite that those enacting those actions are not just terrorists.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Treatise Concerning Christians and the 21st Century


I, like Thomas Jefferson, value logical philosophy; especially when discussing theology and politics. Those are two subjects where people turn off the logical portion of their brain and let emotion cloud their judgment and belief. Tradition can be a good thing, but only if it is supported by logic and facts, not superstition and blind faith. Thomas Jefferson created his own reference Bible, concerning the New Testament where he gleaned the myth from Jesus of Nazareth's parables and wise statements. He was more concerned with the spiritual world rather than the physical one. The Jefferson Bible has been reprinted several times and still available today. Indeed, the subtitle of the book is: “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth”. Using his original name description instead of “Christ”.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"Deep State" - A Threat To Everything We Hold Dear

Before I begin, I would like to direct you to a new book by Jerome R. Corsi, an investigative author who has just published Killing The Deep State: The Fight To Save President Trump - a New York Times bestseller. The Progressives call him the "conspiracy theorist" - but revelations are not a theory when it is based upon facts.
In short, Deep State is: A clandestine network entrenched inside the government that controls state policy behind the scenes, while elected officials are merely figureheads.
The remarkable 2016 election is described by Mr. Corsi ...

To win the presidency, Donald Trump defeated 16 Republican establishment contenders, plus Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the overwhelming first choice of international globalists [George Soros] and central bankers worldwide. [called Global Banking Cartel]
The Deep State is actually part of what has been termed as the New World Order as part of an old international secretive organization called the Illuminati.